
Examples of


        // add all the additional path tables
        if (!allJoinPaths.isEmpty()) {
            for (Iterator iter = allJoinPaths.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                ASTPath path = (ASTPath);
                for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
                    declareTables(path, i, buf);

        // add all parent paths for collection member join paths
        if (!allCollectionMemberJoinPaths.isEmpty()) {
            for (Iterator iter = allCollectionMemberJoinPaths.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                ASTPath path = (ASTPath);
                // don't declare the last one as the first path was left joined
                for (int i = 0; i < path.size() - 1; i++) {
                    declareTables(path, i, buf);

        // get all the left joined paths
        if (!allLeftJoinPaths.isEmpty()) {
            Set allLeftJoins = new HashSet();
            for (Iterator iter = allLeftJoinPaths.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {

            // add all parent paths for left joins
            for (Iterator iter = allLeftJoins.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                ASTPath path = (ASTPath);
                // don't declare the last one as the first path was left joined
                for (int i = 0; i < path.size() - 1; i++) {
                    declareTables(path, i, buf);
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        if (subquerySupported || paths == null) {

        for (Iterator iter = paths.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
            ASTPath path = (ASTPath);

            JDBCCMRFieldBridge cmrField = (JDBCCMRFieldBridge) path.getCMRField();
            String parentAlias = aliasManager.getAlias(parentPath);

            if (cmrField.getRelationMetaData().isForeignKeyMappingStyle()) {
                JDBCEntityBridge childEntity = (JDBCEntityBridge) cmrField.getRelatedEntity();
                String childAlias = aliasManager.getAlias(path.getPath());

                        .append(' ')
                SQLUtil.getJoinClause(cmrField, parentAlias, childAlias, buf);
            } else {
                String relationTableAlias = aliasManager.getRelationTableAlias(path.getPath());
                        .append(' ')
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    private void createThetaJoin(StringBuffer buf) {
        Set joinedAliases = new HashSet();
        // add all the additional path tables
        if (!ctermJoinPaths.isEmpty()) {
            for (Iterator iter = ctermJoinPaths.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                ASTPath path = (ASTPath);
                for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
                    createThetaJoin(path, i, joinedAliases, buf);

        // add all the collection member path tables
        if (!ctermCollectionMemberJoinPaths.isEmpty()) {
            for (Iterator iter = ctermCollectionMemberJoinPaths.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
                String childAlias = (String) entry.getKey();
                ASTPath path = (ASTPath) entry.getValue();

                // join the member path
                createThetaJoin(path, path.size() - 1, joinedAliases, childAlias, buf);

                // join the member path parents
                for (int i = 0; i < path.size() - 1; i++) {
                    createThetaJoin(path, i, joinedAliases, buf);

        // get all the left joined paths
        if (!ctermLeftJoinPaths.isEmpty()) {
            Set allLeftJoins = new HashSet();
            for (Iterator iter = ctermLeftJoinPaths.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {

            // add all parent paths for left joins
            for (Iterator iter = allLeftJoins.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                ASTPath path = (ASTPath);
                // don't declare the last one as the first path was left joined
                for (int i = 0; i < path.size() - 1; i++) {
                    createThetaJoin(path, i, joinedAliases, buf);
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    public Object visit(ASTCollectionMemberDeclaration node, Object data) {
        StringBuffer buf = (StringBuffer) data;

        // first arg is a collection valued path
        ASTPath path = (ASTPath) node.jjtGetChild(0);

        // add this path to the list of declared paths

        // get the entity at the end of this path
        JDBCEntityBridge entity = (JDBCEntityBridge) path.getEntity();

        // second arg is the identifier
        ASTIdentifier id = (ASTIdentifier) node.jjtGetChild(1);

        // get the alias
        String alias = aliasManager.getAlias(id.identifier);

        // add this path to the list of join paths so parent paths will be joined
        addCollectionMemberJoinPath(alias, path);

        // declare the alias mapping
        aliasManager.addAlias(path.getPath(), alias);

        buf.append(' ');
        leftJoins(path.getPath(), buf);

        if (onFindCMRJoin != null && alias.equals(selectAlias)) {
            onFindCMRJoin = null;

        // add the relation-table
        JDBCCMRFieldBridge cmrField = (JDBCCMRFieldBridge) path.getCMRField();
        if (cmrField.getRelationMetaData().isTableMappingStyle()) {
            String relationTableAlias = aliasManager.getRelationTableAlias(path.getPath());
                    .append(' ')
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    public Object visit(ASTSelect node, Object data) {
        StringBuffer buf = (StringBuffer) data;

        Node child0 = node.jjtGetChild(0);
        ASTPath path;
        if (child0 instanceof ASTPath) {
            path = (ASTPath) child0;

            if (path.isCMPField()) {
                // set the select object
                JDBCCMPFieldBridge selectField = (JDBCCMPFieldBridge) path.getCMPField();
                selectManager = (JDBCStoreManager) selectField.getManager();
                selectObject = selectField;
                selectAlias = aliasManager.getAlias(path.getPath(path.size() - 2));
                SQLUtil.getColumnNamesClause(selectField, selectAlias, buf);
            } else {
                // set the select object
                JDBCEntityBridge selectEntity = (JDBCEntityBridge) path.getEntity();
                selectManager = (JDBCStoreManager) selectEntity.getManager();
                selectObject = selectEntity;
                selectEntity(path, node.distinct, buf);
        } else {
            // the function should take a path expression as a parameter
            path = getPathFromChildren(child0);

            if (path == null) {
                throw MESSAGES.functionInSelectNoPath();

            if (path.isCMPField()) {
                JDBCCMPFieldBridge selectField = (JDBCCMPFieldBridge) path.getCMPField();
                selectManager = (JDBCStoreManager) selectField.getManager();
                if (selectField.getJDBCType().hasMapper())
                    this.functionJDBCType = selectField.getJDBCType();
            } else if (path.isCMRField()) {
                JDBCCMRFieldBridge cmrField = (JDBCCMRFieldBridge) path.getCMRField();
                selectManager = (JDBCStoreManager) cmrField.getEntity().getManager();
            } else {
                final JDBCEntityBridge entity = (JDBCEntityBridge) path.getEntity();
                selectManager = (JDBCStoreManager) entity.getManager();

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    public Object visit(ASTNullComparison node, Object data) {
        StringBuffer buf = (StringBuffer) data;

        final Node child0 = node.jjtGetChild(0);
        if (child0 instanceof ASTPath) {
            ASTPath path = (ASTPath) child0;

            if (path.isCMRField()) {
                JDBCCMRFieldBridge cmrField = (JDBCCMRFieldBridge) path.getCMRField();
                if (cmrField.getRelationMetaData().isTableMappingStyle()) {
                    existsClause(path, buf, !node.not);
                    return buf;

            String alias = aliasManager.getAlias(path.getPath(path.size() - 2));
            JDBCFieldBridge field = (JDBCFieldBridge) path.getField();

            // if jdbc type is null then it should be a cmr field in
            // a one-to-one mapping that isn't a foreign key.
            // handle it the way the IS EMPTY on the one side of one-to-many
            // relationship is handled
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        return buf;

    public Object visit(ASTIsEmpty node, Object data) {
        StringBuffer buf = (StringBuffer) data;
        ASTPath path = (ASTPath) node.jjtGetChild(0);

        existsClause(path, buf, !node.not);
        return buf;
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    public Object visit(ASTMemberOf node, Object data) {
        StringBuffer buf = (StringBuffer) data;

        // setup compare to vars first, so we can compare types in from vars
        ASTPath toPath = (ASTPath) node.jjtGetChild(1);

        JDBCCMRFieldBridge toCMRField = (JDBCCMRFieldBridge) toPath.getCMRField();

        JDBCEntityBridge toChildEntity = (JDBCEntityBridge) toPath.getEntity();

        String pathStr = toPath.getPath(toPath.size() - 2);
        String toParentAlias = aliasManager.getAlias(pathStr);
        String toChildAlias = aliasManager.getAlias(toPath.getPath());
        String relationTableAlias = null;
        if (toCMRField.getRelationMetaData().isTableMappingStyle()) {
            relationTableAlias = aliasManager.getRelationTableAlias(toPath.getPath());

        // setup from variables
        String fromAlias = null;
        int fromParamNumber = -1;
        if (node.jjtGetChild(0) instanceof ASTParameter) {
            ASTParameter fromParam = (ASTParameter) node.jjtGetChild(0);

            // can only compare like kind entities
            verifyParameterEntityType(fromParam.number, toChildEntity);

            fromParamNumber = fromParam.number;
        } else {
            ASTPath fromPath = (ASTPath) node.jjtGetChild(0);

            JDBCEntityBridge fromEntity = (JDBCEntityBridge) fromPath.getEntity();
            fromAlias = aliasManager.getAlias(fromPath.getPath());

            // can only compare like kind entities
            if (!fromEntity.equals(toChildEntity)) {
                throw CmpMessages.MESSAGES.onlyLikeTypesCanBeCompared(fromEntity.getEntityName(), toChildEntity.getEntityName());
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            comparison = "=";

        // setup the from path
        ASTPath fromPath = (ASTPath) node.jjtGetChild(0);
        String fromAlias = aliasManager.getAlias(fromPath.getPath(fromPath.size() - 2));
        JDBCCMPFieldBridge fromCMPField = (JDBCCMPFieldBridge) fromPath.getCMPField();

        Node toNode = node.jjtGetChild(1);
        if (toNode instanceof ASTParameter) {
            ASTParameter toParam = (ASTParameter) toNode;

            // can only compare like kind entities
            Class parameterType = getParameterType(toParam.number);
            if (!(fromCMPField.getFieldType().equals(parameterType))) {
                throw CmpMessages.MESSAGES.onlyLikeTypesCanBeCompared(fromCMPField.getFieldType().getName(), parameterType.getName());

            inputParameters.addAll(QueryParameter.createParameters(toParam.number - 1, fromCMPField));
            SQLUtil.getWhereClause(fromCMPField.getJDBCType(), fromAlias, comparison, buf);
        } else {
            ASTPath toPath = (ASTPath) toNode;
            String toAlias = aliasManager.getAlias(toPath.getPath(toPath.size() - 2));
            JDBCCMPFieldBridge toCMPField = (JDBCCMPFieldBridge) toPath.getCMPField();

            // can only compare like kind entities
            if (!(fromCMPField.getFieldType().equals(toCMPField.getFieldType()))) {
                throw CmpMessages.MESSAGES.onlyLikeTypesCanBeCompared(fromCMPField.getFieldType().getName(), toCMPField.getFieldType().getName());
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    public Object visit(ASTCount node, Object data) {
        StringBuffer buf = (StringBuffer) data;

        Object[] args;
        final ASTPath cntPath = (ASTPath) node.jjtGetChild(0);
        if (cntPath.isCMPField()) {
            args = new Object[]{node.distinct, new NodeStringWrapper(cntPath)};
        } else {
            JDBCEntityBridge entity = (JDBCEntityBridge) cntPath.getEntity();
            final JDBCFieldBridge[] pkFields = entity.getPrimaryKeyFields();
            if (pkFields.length > 1) {
                countCompositePk = true;
                forceDistinct = node.distinct.length() > 0;
                selectEntity(cntPath, forceDistinct, buf);
                return buf;
            } else {

                final String alias = aliasManager.getAlias(cntPath.getPath());
                StringBuffer keyColumn = new StringBuffer(20);
                SQLUtil.getColumnNamesClause(pkFields[0], alias, keyColumn);
                args = new Object[]{node.distinct, keyColumn.toString()};
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