Package org.jboss.aop.microcontainer.beans.beanmetadatafactory

Examples of org.jboss.aop.microcontainer.beans.beanmetadatafactory.BeanMetaDataUtil$DependencyBuilder

/*      */     public void add(Object parent, Object child, QName name)
/*      */     {
/* 1418 */       DomainBeanMetaDataFactory domain = (DomainBeanMetaDataFactory)parent;
/* 1419 */       AbstractBeanMetaData bean = (AbstractBeanMetaData)child;
/*      */
/* 1421 */       BeanMetaDataUtil util = new BeanMetaDataUtil();
/* 1422 */       util.setManagerBean(domain.getName());
/* 1423 */       util.setManagerProperty("domain");
/* 1424 */       util.setAspectManagerProperty(bean, "manager");
/*      */
/* 1426 */       domain.addChildBean(bean);
/*      */     }
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/* 1148 */       return new AbstractBeanMetaData(AnnotationIntroduction.class.getName());
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*      */     public void attributes(Object o, QName elementName, ElementBinding element, Attributes attrs, NamespaceContext nsCtx)
/*      */     {
/* 1154 */       BeanMetaDataUtil util = new BeanMetaDataUtil();
/* 1155 */       AbstractBeanMetaData annotation = (AbstractBeanMetaData)o;
/*      */
/* 1157 */       for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++)
/*      */       {
/* 1159 */         String localName = attrs.getLocalName(i);
/* 1160 */         if ("invisible".equals(localName))
/*      */         {
/* 1162 */           BeanMetaDataUtil.setSimpleProperty(annotation, "invisible", attrs.getValue(i));
/*      */         }
/* 1164 */         else if ("expr".equals(localName))
/*      */         {
/* 1166 */           BeanMetaDataUtil.setSimpleProperty(annotation, "expr", attrs.getValue(i));
/*      */         }
/* 1168 */         else if ("manager-bean".equals(localName))
/*      */         {
/* 1170 */           util.setManagerBean(attrs.getValue(i));
/*      */         } else {
/* 1172 */           if (!"manager-property".equals(localName))
/*      */             continue;
/* 1174 */           util.setManagerProperty(attrs.getValue(i));
/*      */         }
/*      */       }
/* 1177 */       util.setAspectManagerProperty(annotation, "manager");
/* 1178 */       annotation.setName(GUID.asString());
/*      */     }
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/* 1090 */       return new AbstractBeanMetaData(Prepare.class.getName());
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*      */     public void attributes(Object o, QName elementName, ElementBinding element, Attributes attrs, NamespaceContext nsCtx)
/*      */     {
/* 1096 */       BeanMetaDataUtil util = new BeanMetaDataUtil();
/* 1097 */       AbstractBeanMetaData pointcut = (AbstractBeanMetaData)o;
/* 1098 */       String name = null;
/* 1099 */       for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++)
/*      */       {
/* 1101 */         String localName = attrs.getLocalName(i);
/* 1102 */         if ("name".equals(localName))
/*      */         {
/* 1104 */           name = attrs.getValue(i);
/*      */         }
/* 1106 */         else if ("expr".equals(localName))
/*      */         {
/* 1108 */           BeanMetaDataUtil.setSimpleProperty(pointcut, "expr", attrs.getValue(i));
/*      */         }
/* 1110 */         else if ("manager-bean".equals(localName))
/*      */         {
/* 1112 */           util.setManagerBean(attrs.getValue(i));
/*      */         } else {
/* 1114 */           if (!"manager-property".equals(localName))
/*      */             continue;
/* 1116 */           util.setManagerProperty(attrs.getValue(i));
/*      */         }
/*      */       }
/* 1119 */       util.setAspectManagerProperty(pointcut, "manager");
/*      */
/* 1121 */       if (name == null)
/*      */       {
/* 1123 */         name = GUID.asString();
/*      */       }
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/* 1049 */       return new AbstractBeanMetaData(DynamicCFlowDef.class.getName());
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*      */     public void attributes(Object o, QName elementName, ElementBinding element, Attributes attrs, NamespaceContext nsCtx)
/*      */     {
/* 1055 */       BeanMetaDataUtil util = new BeanMetaDataUtil();
/* 1056 */       AbstractBeanMetaData dynamicCFlow = (AbstractBeanMetaData)o;
/*      */
/* 1058 */       for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++)
/*      */       {
/* 1060 */         String localName = attrs.getLocalName(i);
/* 1061 */         if ("name".equals(localName))
/*      */         {
/* 1063 */           dynamicCFlow.setName(attrs.getValue(i));
/* 1064 */           BeanMetaDataUtil.setSimpleProperty(dynamicCFlow, "name", attrs.getValue(i));
/*      */         }
/* 1066 */         else if ("class".equals(localName))
/*      */         {
/* 1068 */           BeanMetaDataUtil.setSimpleProperty(dynamicCFlow, "className", attrs.getValue(i));
/*      */         }
/* 1070 */         else if ("manager-bean".equals(localName))
/*      */         {
/* 1072 */           util.setManagerBean(attrs.getValue(i));
/*      */         } else {
/* 1074 */           if (!"manager-property".equals(localName))
/*      */             continue;
/* 1076 */           util.setManagerProperty(attrs.getValue(i));
/*      */         }
/*      */       }
/* 1079 */       util.setAspectManagerProperty(dynamicCFlow, "manager");
/*      */     }
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/*  983 */       return new AbstractBeanMetaData(TypeDef.class.getName());
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*      */     public void attributes(Object o, QName elementName, ElementBinding element, Attributes attrs, NamespaceContext nsCtx)
/*      */     {
/*  989 */       BeanMetaDataUtil util = new BeanMetaDataUtil();
/*  990 */       AbstractBeanMetaData typedef = (AbstractBeanMetaData)o;
/*      */
/*  992 */       for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++)
/*      */       {
/*  994 */         String localName = attrs.getLocalName(i);
/*  995 */         if ("name".equals(localName))
/*      */         {
/*  997 */           typedef.setName(attrs.getValue(i));
/*  998 */           BeanMetaDataUtil.setSimpleProperty(typedef, "name", attrs.getValue(i));
/*      */         }
/* 1000 */         else if ("expr".equals(localName))
/*      */         {
/* 1002 */           BeanMetaDataUtil.setSimpleProperty(typedef, "expr", attrs.getValue(i));
/*      */         }
/* 1004 */         else if ("manager-bean".equals(localName))
/*      */         {
/* 1006 */           util.setManagerBean(attrs.getValue(i));
/*      */         } else {
/* 1008 */           if (!"manager-property".equals(localName))
/*      */             continue;
/* 1010 */           util.setManagerProperty(attrs.getValue(i));
/*      */         }
/*      */       }
/* 1013 */       util.setAspectManagerProperty(typedef, "manager");
/*      */     }
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/*      */     }
/*      */
/*      */     public void attributes(Object o, QName elementName, ElementBinding element, Attributes attrs, NamespaceContext nsCtx)
/*      */     {
/*  829 */       AbstractBeanMetaData arrayReplacement = (AbstractBeanMetaData)o;
/*  830 */       BeanMetaDataUtil util = new BeanMetaDataUtil();
/*  831 */       String name = null;
/*  832 */       for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++)
/*      */       {
/*  834 */         String localName = attrs.getLocalName(i);
/*  835 */         if ("name".equals(localName))
/*      */         {
/*  837 */           name = attrs.getValue(i);
/*      */         }
/*  839 */         else if ("class".equals(localName))
/*      */         {
/*  841 */           BeanMetaDataUtil.setSimpleProperty(arrayReplacement, "classes", attrs.getValue(i));
/*      */         }
/*  843 */         else if ("expr".equals(localName))
/*      */         {
/*  845 */           BeanMetaDataUtil.setSimpleProperty(arrayReplacement, "expr", attrs.getValue(i));
/*      */         }
/*  847 */         else if ("manager-bean".equals(localName))
/*      */         {
/*  849 */           util.setManagerBean(attrs.getValue(i));
/*      */         } else {
/*  851 */           if (!"manager-property".equals(localName))
/*      */             continue;
/*  853 */           util.setManagerProperty(attrs.getValue(i));
/*      */         }
/*      */       }
/*  856 */       util.setAspectManagerProperty(arrayReplacement, "manager");
/*      */
/*  858 */       if (name == null)
/*      */       {
/*  860 */         name = GUID.asString();
/*      */       }
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      public void attributes(Object o, QName elementName, ElementBinding element, Attributes attrs, NamespaceContext nsCtx)
         BeanMetaDataUtil util = new BeanMetaDataUtil();
         AbstractBeanMetaData pointcut = (AbstractBeanMetaData)o;
         String name = null;
         for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); ++i)
            String localName = attrs.getLocalName(i);
            if ("name".equals(localName))
               name = attrs.getValue(i);
            else if ("expr".equals(localName))
               BeanMetaDataUtil.setSimpleProperty(pointcut, "expr", attrs.getValue(i));
            else if (MANAGER_BEAN_NAME.equals(localName))
            else if (MANAGER_PROPERTY_NAME.equals(localName))
         util.setAspectManagerProperty(pointcut, "manager");
         if (name == null)
            name = GUID.asString();
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      public void attributes(Object o, QName elementName, ElementBinding element, Attributes attrs, NamespaceContext nsCtx)
         BeanMetaDataUtil util = new BeanMetaDataUtil();
         AbstractBeanMetaData annotation = (AbstractBeanMetaData)o;

         for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); ++i)
            String localName = attrs.getLocalName(i);
            if ("invisible".equals(localName))
               BeanMetaDataUtil.setSimpleProperty(annotation, "invisible", attrs.getValue(i));
            else if ("expr".equals(localName))
               BeanMetaDataUtil.setSimpleProperty(annotation, "expr", attrs.getValue(i));
            else if (MANAGER_BEAN_NAME.equals(localName))
            else if (MANAGER_PROPERTY_NAME.equals(localName))
         util.setAspectManagerProperty(annotation, "manager");
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      public void add(Object parent, Object child, QName name)
         DomainBeanMetaDataFactory domain = (DomainBeanMetaDataFactory)parent;
         AbstractBeanMetaData bean = (AbstractBeanMetaData)child;
         //Overwrite the manager property
         BeanMetaDataUtil util = new BeanMetaDataUtil();
         util.setAspectManagerProperty(bean, "manager");
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      public void attributes(Object o, QName elementName, ElementBinding element, Attributes attrs, NamespaceContext nsCtx)
         AbstractBeanMetaData arrayReplacement = (AbstractBeanMetaData)o;
         BeanMetaDataUtil util = new BeanMetaDataUtil();
         String name = null;
         for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); ++i)
            String localName = attrs.getLocalName(i);
            if ("name".equals(localName))
               name = attrs.getValue(i);
            else if ("class".equals(localName))
               BeanMetaDataUtil.setSimpleProperty(arrayReplacement, "classes", attrs.getValue(i));
            else if ("expr".equals(localName))
               BeanMetaDataUtil.setSimpleProperty(arrayReplacement, "expr", attrs.getValue(i));
            else if (MANAGER_BEAN_NAME.equals(localName))
            else if (MANAGER_PROPERTY_NAME.equals(localName))
         util.setAspectManagerProperty(arrayReplacement, "manager");
         if (name == null)
            name = GUID.asString();
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Related Classes of org.jboss.aop.microcontainer.beans.beanmetadatafactory.BeanMetaDataUtil$DependencyBuilder

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