long methodHash = si.getMethodHash();
log.debug("Received dynamic invocation for method with hash: " + methodHash);
// Get the Method via MethodInfo from the Advisor
Advisor advisor = this.getAdvisor();
MethodInfo info = advisor.getMethodInfo(methodHash);
Method unadvisedMethod = info.getMethod();
// Get the invoked method from invocation metadata
Object objInvokedMethod = si.getMetaData(SessionSpecRemotingMetadata.TAG_SESSION_INVOCATION,SessionSpecRemotingMetadata.KEY_INVOKED_METHOD);
assert objInvokedMethod !=null : "Invoked Method must be set on invocation metadata";
assert objInvokedMethod instanceof SerializableMethod : "Invoked Method set on invocation metadata is not of type " + SerializableMethod.class.getName() + ", instead: " + objInvokedMethod;