Matchers are used by the MiniMock framework, {@link org.jbehave.core.Ensure}, {@link UsingMatchers} and {@link org.jbehave.core.minimock.UsingMiniMock} toverify or ensure behaviours. Matchers are also used by the default elements of the Story framework.
Some simple matchers are provided by this class.
In any domain, there will be more complex, specific matchers which can be reused across behaviours. CustomMatcher may be extended to provide these behaviours, or Matcher may be implemented. If you provide a useful description, either to the constructor of the CustomMatcher or by overriding toString()
in your Matcher, a useful message will be given should the Matcher not match.
You may find it more useful to extend or delegate to {@link org.jbehave.core.minimock.UsingMiniMock} than to UsingMatchers.