"for demonstrative purposes, by Tod Jackson </about>";
_styleSheet = "about";
// create new styling engine
XSLT xslt = new XSLT(this);
// pass the resulting XML to the styling engine
LogService.log(LogService.INFO, "XML is: " + _xml);
// specify the stylesheet selctor
// if we haven't done the query, display the query screen
// otherwise, display a screen appropriate for the query we performed.
// this will be done by displaying the 'view' screen for the appropriate
// message object. This is all mapped in the CMainChannel.ssl file
// for example, there will be a view_BasicPerson.v1_0.xsl file that gets
// mapped to.
LogService.log(LogService.INFO, "Stylesheet is: " + _styleSheet);
xslt.setXSL("CMainChannel.ssl", _styleSheet, _runtimeData.getBrowserInfo());
// set params that the stylesheet needs
xslt.setStylesheetParameter("baseActionURL", _runtimeData.getBaseActionURL());
// set the output handler for the output
// do the transform