
Examples of

     * @see org.jasig.portal.portlets.lookup.IPersonLookupHelper#findPerson(, java.lang.String)
    public IPersonAttributes findPerson(final IPerson searcher, final String username) {

        // get the IAuthorizationPrincipal for the searching user
        final IAuthorizationPrincipal principal = getPrincipalForUser(searcher);

        // build a set of all possible user attributes the current user has
        // permission to view
        final Set<String> permittedAttributes = getAvailableAttributes(principal);
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        IUserInstance userInstance = userInstanceManager.getUserInstance(request);
        IPerson person = userInstance.getPerson();
        AuthorizationService authService = AuthorizationService.instance();
        IAuthorizationPrincipal principal = authService.newPrincipal(person.getUserName(), IPerson.class);
         * Build a collection of owner IDs for the fragments to which the
         * authenticated user is subscribed

        // get the list of current subscriptions for this user
        List<IUserFragmentSubscription> subscriptions = userFragmentSubscriptionDao
        // transform it into the set of owners
      Set<String> subscribedOwners = new HashSet<String>();
      for (IUserFragmentSubscription subscription : subscriptions){
          if (subscription.isActive()) {
       * Iterate through the list of all currently defined DLM fragments and
       * determine if the current user has permissions to subscribe to each.
       * Any subscribable fragments will be transformed into a JSON-friendly
       * bean and added to the model.

        final List<SubscribableFragment> jsonFragments = new ArrayList<SubscribableFragment>();

      // get the list of fragment definitions from DLM
        final List<FragmentDefinition> fragmentDefinitions = configurationLoader.getFragments();
        final Locale locale = RequestContextUtils.getLocale(request);

        // iterate through the list
        for (FragmentDefinition fragmentDefinition : fragmentDefinitions) {
            if (isSubscribable(fragmentDefinition, principal)) {
                String owner = fragmentDefinition.getOwnerId();
                // check to see if the current user has permission to subscribe to
                // this fragment
                if (principal.hasPermission("UP_FRAGMENT", "FRAGMENT_SUBSCRIBE", owner)) {
                    // create a JSON fragment bean and add it to our list
                    boolean subscribed = subscribedOwners.contains(owner);
                    final String name = getMessage("fragment." + owner + ".name", fragmentDefinition.getName(), locale);
                    final String description = getMessage("fragment." + owner + ".description", fragmentDefinition.getDescription(), locale);
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        final BufferedXMLEventReader bufferedXmlEventReader = createSourceXmlEventReader(entityFile);
        final PortalDataKey portalDataKey = getPortalDataKey(bufferedXmlEventReader);

        final IPerson person = personManager.getPerson(request);
    final EntityIdentifier ei = person.getEntityIdentifier();
      final IAuthorizationPrincipal ap = AuthorizationService.instance().newPrincipal(ei.getKey(), ei.getType());
      if (!ap.hasPermission("UP_SYSTEM", "IMPORT_ENTITY", portalDataKey.getName().getLocalPart())) {

      portalDataHandlerService.importData(new StAXSource(bufferedXmlEventReader));
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      @PathVariable("entityId") String entityId, HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
    final IPerson person = personManager.getPerson(request);
    final EntityIdentifier ei = person.getEntityIdentifier();
      final IAuthorizationPrincipal ap = AuthorizationService.instance().newPrincipal(ei.getKey(), ei.getType());

      if (!ap.hasPermission(OWNER, DELETE_PERMISSION, entityType)) {
      // get the task associated with exporting this entity type
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            HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
            throws IOException {
    final IPerson person = personManager.getPerson(request);
    final EntityIdentifier ei = person.getEntityIdentifier();
      final IAuthorizationPrincipal ap = AuthorizationService.instance().newPrincipal(ei.getKey(), ei.getType());

      // if the current user does not have permission to delete this database
      // object type, return a 401 error code
      if (!ap.hasPermission(OWNER, EXPORT_PERMISSION, entityType)) {
      //Export the data into a string buffer
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        final AggregatedGroupMapping group = aggregatedGroupLookupDao.getGroupMapping(everyone.getKey());
        final List<PortletLayoutAggregation> aggregations = portletLayoutDao.getAggregationsForAllPortlets(begin, end, AGGREGATION_INTERVAL, group);
        final EntityIdentifier ei = user.getEntityIdentifier();
        final AuthorizationService authService = AuthorizationService.instance();
        final IAuthorizationPrincipal ap = authService.newPrincipal(ei.getKey(), ei.getType());
        final Map<String, PortletUsage> resultBuilder = new HashMap<String, PortletUsage>();
        for (final PortletLayoutAggregation aggregation : aggregations) {
            final AggregatedPortletMapping portlet = aggregation.getPortletMapping();
            final String fname = portlet.getFname();
            PortletUsage portletUsage = resultBuilder.get(fname);
            if (portletUsage == null) {
                final IPortletDefinition portletDefinition = this.portletDefinitionDao.getPortletDefinitionByFname(fname);
                if (portletDefinition == null || !ap.canSubscribe(portletDefinition.getPortletDefinitionId().getStringId())) {
                    //Skip portlets that no longer exist or cannot be subscribed to
                portletUsage = new PortletUsage(
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    public ModelAndView getPortlets(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
        // get a list of all channels
        List<IPortletDefinition> allPortlets = portletDefinitionRegistry.getAllPortletDefinitions();
        IPerson user = personManager.getPerson(request);
        EntityIdentifier ei = user.getEntityIdentifier();
        IAuthorizationPrincipal ap = AuthorizationService.instance().newPrincipal(ei.getKey(), ei.getType());

        List<PortletTuple> rslt = new ArrayList<PortletTuple>();
        for (IPortletDefinition pdef : allPortlets) {
            if (ap.canManage(pdef.getPortletDefinitionId().getStringId())) {
                rslt.add(new PortletTuple(pdef));

        return new ModelAndView("json", "portlets", rslt);
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        if (authorizationService == null) {
            authorizationService = AuthorizationService.instance();
        UserDetails userDetails = (UserDetails) authentication.getPrincipal();

        final IAuthorizationPrincipal principal = authorizationService.newPrincipal(
                userDetails.getUsername(), IPerson.class);

        String targetId = null;
        if (targetDomainObject instanceof String) {
            // Assume it already represents a valid uPortal permission target
            targetId = (String) targetDomainObject;
        } else if (targetDomainObject instanceof JsonEntityBean) {
            // JsonEntityBean objects now have a targetString member
            targetId = ((JsonEntityBean) targetDomainObject).getTargetString();

        // if the permission is already an AuthorizableActivity, go ahead and
        // use it
        AuthorizableActivity activity = null;
        if (permission instanceof AuthorizableActivity) {
            activity = (AuthorizableActivity) permission;

        // if the permission is a string, allow our local method to try and
        // translate it into a permission relevant to the provided target
        else if (permission instanceof String) {
            String activityName = (String) permission;
            activity = getViewActivity(activityName, (JsonEntityBean) targetDomainObject);

        else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to determine permission target id for type " + targetDomainObject.getClass());

        if (activity != null) {
            final boolean hasPermission = principal.hasPermission(activity.getOwnerFname(), activity.getActivityFname(), targetId);
            return hasPermission;
        } else {
            return false;
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            authorizationService = AuthorizationService.instance();
        UserDetails userDetails = (UserDetails) authentication.getPrincipal();

        final IAuthorizationPrincipal principal = authorizationService.newPrincipal(
                userDetails.getUsername(), IPerson.class);

        // if the permission is already an AuthorizableActivity, go ahead and
        // use it
        AuthorizableActivity activity = null;
        if (permission instanceof AuthorizableActivity) {
            activity = (AuthorizableActivity) permission;

        // if the permission is a string, allow our local method to try and
        // translate it into a permission relevant to the provided target
        else if (permission instanceof String && targetId instanceof String) {
            String activityName = (String) permission;
            activity = getViewActivity(activityName, (String) targetId);
        if (activity != null) {
            final boolean hasPermission = principal.hasPermission(activity.getOwnerFname(), activity.getActivityFname(), targetId.toString());
            return hasPermission;
        } else {
            return false;
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        while (immediatelyContainingGroups.hasNext()) {
            IGroupMember parentGroup =;
            try {
                if (parentGroup != null) {
                    IAuthorizationPrincipal parentPrincipal = service.newPrincipal( parentGroup );
                    IPermission[] parentPermissions = service.getPermissionsForPrincipal(parentPrincipal, owner, activity, target);

                    Set<IPermission> activeParentPermissions = activePermissions(parentPermissions);

                    boolean parentPermissionsContainsDeny = containsType(activeParentPermissions, IPermission.PERMISSION_TYPE_DENY);
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