Package org.jasig.portal.layout.node

Examples of org.jasig.portal.layout.node.IUserLayoutNodeDescription


    public Enumeration getChildIds(String nodeId) throws PortalException {
        Vector v = new Vector();
        IUserLayoutNodeDescription node = getNodeDescription(nodeId);
        if (node instanceof IUserLayoutFolderDescription) {
            Element element = layout.getElementById(nodeId);
            for (Node n = element.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling()) {
                if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                    Element e = (Element)n;
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    public IUserLayoutNodeDescription getNode(String nodeId) throws PortalException {
        // check to see if it's in the layout first, if not then
        // build it..
        IUserLayoutNodeDescription ulnd = null;

        // assume that not finding it in the implementation
        // means that it may be a requested (transient) node.
        try {
            ulnd = man.getNode(nodeId);
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        final IUserLayoutManager userLayoutManager = preferencesManager.getUserLayoutManager();
        //Verify non-delegate layout node id exists and is for a portlet
        final String layoutNodeId = idParts[1];
        if (!layoutNodeId.startsWith(DELEGATE_LAYOUT_NODE_ID_PREFIX)) {
            final IUserLayoutNodeDescription node = userLayoutManager.getNode(layoutNodeId);
            if (node == null || node.getType() != LayoutNodeType.PORTLET) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("No portlet layout node found for " + layoutNodeId + " from entity id string: " + consistentEntityIdString);
            //TODO is this doable for delegation?
            //Verify the portlet definition matches
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            throw new PortalException("Element with ID=\"" + nodeId +
                                      "\" doesn't exist for "
                    + owner.getAttribute(IPerson.USERNAME) + "." );
        // instantiate the node description
        IUserLayoutNodeDescription desc = createNodeDescription(element);
        if (nodeId.startsWith(Constants.FRAGMENT_ID_USER_PREFIX)
                && desc instanceof ChannelDescription)
            FragmentChannelInfo info = this.distributedLayoutStore.getFragmentChannelInfo(nodeId);
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                                              String parentId,
                                              String nextSiblingId )
        throws PortalException
        boolean isChannel=false;
        IUserLayoutNodeDescription parent=this.getNode(parentId);
        if( canAddNode( node, parent, nextSiblingId ) )
            // assign new Id
            try {
                if(node instanceof IUserLayoutChannelDescription) {
                } else {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new PortalException("Exception encountered while " +
                            "generating new user layout node Id for  for "
                        + owner.getAttribute(IPerson.USERNAME), e);

            Document uld=getUserLayoutDOM();
            Element childElement=node.getXML(uld);
            Element parentElement= uld.getElementById(parentId);
            if(nextSiblingId==null) {
            } else {
                Node nextSibling=uld.getElementById(nextSiblingId);
            // register element id
            childElement.setIdAttribute(Constants.ATT_ID, true);
            childElement.setAttribute(Constants.ATT_ID, node.getId());

            // push into the user's real layout that gets persisted.
            HandlerUtils.createPlfNodeAndPath( childElement,
                                               isChannel, owner );

            // fire event
            final int layoutId = this.getLayoutId();
            if(isChannel) {
                this.channelsAdded = true;
                final String fname = ((IUserLayoutChannelDescription)node).getFunctionalName();
                this.portalEventFactory.publishPortletAddedToLayoutPortalEvent(this, this.owner, layoutId, parent.getId(), fname);
            else {
                this.portalEventFactory.publishFolderAddedToLayoutPortalEvent(this, this.owner, layoutId, node.getId());
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    public boolean moveNode( String nodeId,
                             String parentId,
                             String nextSiblingId )
        throws PortalException
        IUserLayoutNodeDescription parent=this.getNode(parentId);
        IUserLayoutNodeDescription node=this.getNode(nodeId);
        String oldParentNodeId=getParentId(nodeId);
        if(canMoveNode(node,parent,nextSiblingId)) {
            // must be a folder
            Document uld=this.getUserLayoutDOM();
            Element childElement = uld.getElementById(nodeId);
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    public boolean deleteNode( String nodeId )
        throws PortalException {
        if(canDeleteNode(nodeId)) {
            IUserLayoutNodeDescription nodeDescription=this.getNode(nodeId);
            String parentNodeId=this.getParentId(nodeId);

            Document uld=this.getUserLayoutDOM();
            Element ilfNode = uld.getElementById(nodeId);
            Node parent=ilfNode.getParentNode();
            if(parent!=null) {
            } else {
                throw new PortalException("Node \""+nodeId +
                        "\" has a NULL parent for layout of "
                    + owner.getAttribute(IPerson.USERNAME) + ".");

            // now push into the PLF
            TabColumnPrefsHandler.deleteNode( ilfNode, (Element) parent,
                                              owner );
            // inform the listeners
            final int layoutId = this.getLayoutId();
            if (nodeDescription instanceof IUserLayoutChannelDescription) {
                final IUserLayoutChannelDescription userLayoutChannelDescription = (IUserLayoutChannelDescription)nodeDescription;
                this.portalEventFactory.publishPortletDeletedFromLayoutPortalEvent(this, this.owner, layoutId, parentNodeId, userLayoutChannelDescription.getFunctionalName());
            else {
                this.portalEventFactory.publishFolderDeletedFromLayoutPortalEvent(this, this.owner, layoutId, parentNodeId, nodeDescription.getId(), nodeDescription.getName());

            return true;
        return false;
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        throws PortalException
        if( canUpdateNode( node ) )
            String nodeId = node.getId();
            IUserLayoutNodeDescription oldNode = getNode( nodeId );

            if( oldNode instanceof IUserLayoutChannelDescription )
                IUserLayoutChannelDescription oldChanDesc = (IUserLayoutChannelDescription) oldNode;
                if (!(node instanceof IUserLayoutChannelDescription))
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                                  String nextSiblingId )
        throws PortalException
        // make sure sibling exists and is a child of nodeId
        if(nextSiblingId!=null && ! nextSiblingId.equals("")) {
            IUserLayoutNodeDescription sibling=getNode(nextSiblingId);
            if(sibling==null) {
                throw new PortalException("Unable to find a sibling node " +
                        "with id=\""+nextSiblingId+"\".  Occurred " +
                            "in layout for "
                            + owner.getAttribute(IPerson.USERNAME) + ".");
            if(!parent.getId().equals(getParentId(nextSiblingId))) {
                throw new PortalException("Given sibling (\""+nextSiblingId
                        +"\") is not a child of a given parentId (\""
                        +parent.getId()+"\"). Occurred " +
                            "in layout for "
                            + owner.getAttribute(IPerson.USERNAME) + ".");

        if ( parent == null ||
             ! node.isMoveAllowed() )
            return false;

        if ( parent instanceof IUserLayoutFolderDescription &&
             ! ( (IUserLayoutFolderDescription) parent).isAddChildAllowed() )
            return false;

        if ( nextSiblingId == null || nextSiblingId.equals("")) // end of list targeted
            return true;

        // so lets see if we can place it at the end of the sibling list and
        // hop left until we get into the correct position.

        Enumeration sibIds = getVisibleChildIds( parent.getId() );
        List sibs = Collections.list(sibIds);

        if ( sibs.size() == 0 ) // last node in list so should be ok
            return true;

        // reverse scan so that as changes are made the order of the, as yet,
        // unprocessed nodes is not altered.
        for( int idx = sibs.size() - 1;
             idx >= 0;
             idx-- )
            IUserLayoutNodeDescription prev = getNode((String) sibs.get(idx));

            if ( ! MovementRules.canHopLeft( node, prev ) )
                return false;
            if ( prev.getId().equals( nextSiblingId ) )
                return true;
        return false; // oops never found the sib
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    private boolean canMoveRight( String nodeId, String targetNextSibId )
        throws PortalException
        IUserLayoutNodeDescription node = getNode( nodeId );
        Enumeration sibIds = getVisibleChildIds( getParentId( nodeId ) );
        List sibs = Collections.list(sibIds);

        for ( int idx = sibs.indexOf( nodeId ) + 1;
              idx > 0 && idx < sibs.size();
              idx++ )
            String nextSibId = (String) sibs.get( idx );
            IUserLayoutNodeDescription next = getNode( nextSibId );

            if ( nextSibId != null &&
                 next.getId().equals( targetNextSibId ) )
                return true;
            else if ( ! MovementRules.canHopRight( node, next ) )
                return false;
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Related Classes of org.jasig.portal.layout.node.IUserLayoutNodeDescription

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