public void convertLayout(int uid, int simpleProfileId) {
final int NEW_LAYOUT_ID =1; /* id to use when creating new layout */
UserProfile simpleProfile = null;
UserProfile ALProfile = null;
IUserLayoutStore uls = null;
int structSsId = 0, themeSsId = 0;
int ALProfileId = 0;
Connection con = null;
Statement qstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
IPerson user = PersonFactory.createPerson();
try {
// read in the simple layout
uls = new RDBMUserLayoutStore();
simpleProfile = uls.getUserProfileById(user,simpleProfileId);
Document ul = uls.getUserLayout(user,simpleProfile);
// wow - that was easy. Now need to get rid of initial letters in IDs.
// create a profile for the new layout