java.util.Date newExpiration = new java.util.Date(now + fiveMinutes);
int newType = IEntityLockService.WRITE_LOCK;
// Copy testLocks[1] to lock1.
IEntityLock lock1 = new EntityLockImpl
(testLocks[1].getEntityType(), testLocks[1].getEntityKey(),
testLocks[1].getLockType(), testLocks[1].getExpirationTime(), testLocks[1].getLockOwner());
// Update testLocks[1].
getLockStore().update(testLocks[1], newExpiration, new Integer(newType));
msg = "Check if the old version (lock1) still exists in store.";
assertTrue(msg, ! getService().existsInStore(lock1) );
msg = "Check if new version exists in store.";
IEntityLock lock2 = new EntityLockImpl
(lock1.getEntityType(), lock1.getEntityKey(), newType, newExpiration, lock1.getLockOwner());
assertTrue( msg, getService().existsInStore(lock2) );
print("Update only expiration on (updated) lock.");
newExpiration = new java.util.Date(now + tenMinutes);
getLockStore().update(lock2, newExpiration, null);
msg = "Check if un-updated lock still exists in store.";
assertTrue( msg, ! getService().existsInStore(testLocks[1]) );
msg = "Check if the doubly-updated lock exists in store.";
IEntityLock lock3 = new EntityLockImpl
(lock2.getEntityType(), lock2.getEntityKey(), lock2.getLockType(), newExpiration, lock2.getLockOwner());
assertTrue( msg, getService().existsInStore(lock3) );
testLocks[0] = lock3;