* @param sessionData
* @throws Exception
public void execute (CGroupsManagerSessionData sessionData) throws Exception {
Utility.logMessage("DEBUG", "SearchForEntities::execute(): Start");
ChannelRuntimeData runtimeData = sessionData.runtimeData;
Class type;
String grpTypeName = null;
EntityIdentifier[] results;
String label = null;
boolean isGroupSearch;
// if present, the command arg will be the ancestor
String ancestorKey = getCommandArg(runtimeData);
IEntityGroup entGrp = GroupsManagerXML.retrieveGroup(ancestorKey);
String query = runtimeData.getParameter("grpQuery");
String method = runtimeData.getParameter("grpMethod");
int methodInt = Integer.parseInt(method);
// For an EntityGroup search, the grpType will have the form of "IEntityGroup::classname"
// For an Entity search, the grpType will have the form of "classname"
String grpType = runtimeData.getParameter("grpType");
if (grpType.startsWith(grpPrefix)) {
isGroupSearch = true;
grpTypeName = grpType.substring(grpPrefix.length());
else {