* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public void testTutorialReport() throws IOException {
ResultReport tutorialReport =
new ResultReport("Test Report 2", "This is a simple test report.");
ResultReportSection testSection =
new ResultReportSection("Test Section", "This is a test section.");
testSection.addDataView(new ScatterPlotDataView(new Double[][] {
testData[0], testData[3] }, "The scatter plot data view.",
"This is a title for the scatter plot", new String[] { "Bogus X Label",
"Bogus Y Label" }));
testSection.addDataView(new BoxPlotDataView(testData,
"The box plot data view.", "A box plot", new String[] {
"The variables", "The quantity" }, new String[] { "Variable One",
"Var. 2", "Var. III", "Var. Four" }));
testSection.addDataView(new HistogramDataView(testData[1],
"The histogram data view.", "The title", "The x-label", "The y-label"));
testSection.addDataView(new LineChartDataView(testData,
"The line chart data view.", "A line chart", new String[] { "The time",
"The observed value" }, new String[] { "Variable One", "Var. 2",
"Var. III" }));
ResultReportRenderer tutorialRenderer = new RTexResultReportRenderer();