The syntax is oriented at the html syntax. So to describe what to do tags are used, so for instance <b>bold</b> will draw bold in bold font.
In the following all available tags are explained:
<b> | turns on bold font |
</b> | turns off bold font |
<i> | turns on italic font |
</i> | turns off bold font |
<c> | turns on out crossing |
</c> | turns off out crossing |
<u> | turns on underlining |
</u> | turns off underlining |
<font fontname/> | example of font change usage the string between start and end defines the font by specifying its name |
<size 12/> | example of font size usage the string between start and end defines the size (here it is 12) |
<color FFFFFF/> | example of color usage the string between start and end tag the color in Hex representation (can also be none for no color, or a string representative like red, blue, green) |
<bgcolor FFFFFF/> | example of background color usage the string between start and end tag the color in Hex representation (can also be none for no color, or a string representative like red for red) |
<hr/> | draws a line from left to right in the set color in the next line |
<br/> | inserts a line break \n,\r and \n\r do the same |
<</> | inserts a < in the text, this can be used for escaping tags |
<push/> | puts the current style state on a stack |
<pop/> | restores a previously pushed style state |
<pre> | starts a verbatim block (all tags until <pre/> are ignored) |
<pre/> | closes a verbatim block |
<width 100/> | specifies a custom maximum width of the tooltip to render (here 100) |
<height 100/> | specifies a custom maximum height of the tooltip to render (here 100) |
still missing for now:
Example Tooltip could be:
<size 18/><font Arial Black/> This is a styled ToolTip<hr/> <size 12/><font Arial/> - It supports different fonts and font sizes as well as line breaks - It also supports <bgcolor lightgray/><color red/>co<color green/>lo<color blue/>rs<bgcolor none/><color black/> as well as different kinds of <b>font</b> <i>styles</i> - It also supports <u>underlining</u> <c>crossing</c> and as already seen<hr/> seperation lines
@author Stefan Rybacki