Package org.itsnat.impl.core.clientdoc

Examples of org.itsnat.impl.core.clientdoc.ClientDocumentAttachedServerImpl

    public String genSendMarkupCodeByMethod()
        StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder();

        ClientDocumentAttachedServerImpl clientDoc = getClientDocumentAttachedServer();
        ItsNatStfulDocumentTemplateAttachedServerImpl template = clientDoc.getItsNatStfulDocumentTemplateAttachedServer();

        ItsNatServletRequestImpl itsNatRequest = getRequest().getItsNatServletRequest();
        String url = itsNatRequest.getServletPath(true, true); // Devuelve un URL absoluto sin la query

        boolean useOnLoad = clientDoc.isOnLoadHanderUsed();

        code.append("itsnat.init = function(markupOrig)\n");
        code.append("{ \n");

        code.append("  var url = \"" + url + "?itsnat_action=" + RequestImpl.ITSNAT_ACTION_ATTACH_SERVER + "&itsnat_subaction=load_markup&itsnat_client_id=" + clientDoc.getId() + "&timestamp=\" + new Date().getTime();\n"); // El timestamp es simplemente para evitar cacheos

        if (template.isMIME_HTML())
            // Haciendo document.write nos ahorramos el a�adir usando document.body que puede no estar definido si es MIME XHTML en WebKit etc
            // En esta primera fase s� podemos usar document.write() independientemente de lo que
            // diga el valor de useOnLoad, es si se ejecuta el onload cuando no se puede
            code.append("  document.write('<iframe id=\"itsnat_iframe_loader\" name=\"itsnat_iframe_loader\" src=\"about:blank\" style=\"display:none\" onload=\"" + (useOnLoad ? "itsnat.endSendMarkup();" : "") + "\"></iframe>');\n");
            code.append("  document.write('<form id=\"itsnat_form_loader\" action=\"' + url + '\" target=\"itsnat_iframe_loader\" method=\"post\">');\n");
            code.append("  document.write(' <input id=\"itsnat_markup_code\" name=\"itsnat_markup_code\" type=\"hidden\" />');\n");
            code.append("  document.write('</form>');\n");
            code.append("  var iframe = document.getElementById(\"itsnat_iframe_loader\");\n");
            code.append("  var form = document.getElementById(\"itsnat_form_loader\");\n");
            code.append("  var input = document.getElementById(\"itsnat_markup_code\");\n");
            if (template.isMIME_XHTML())
                code.append("var root = document.body;\n");
                code.append("if (!root) root = document.getElementsByTagName(\"body\")[0];\n"); // Caso de MIME XHTML y WebKit
                code.append("var iframe = document.createElement(\"iframe\");\n");
                code.append("var form = document.createElement(\"form\");\n");
                code.append("var input = document.createElement(\"input\");\n");
            else if(template.isMIME_SVG() || template.isMIME_XUL())
                code.append("var root = document.documentElement;\n");
                code.append("var iframe = document.createElementNS(\"\",\"iframe\");\n");
                code.append("var form = document.createElementNS(\"\",\"form\");\n");
                code.append("var input = document.createElementNS(\"\",\"input\");\n");
            else throw new ItsNatException("Unsupported MIME: " + template.getMIME());

            code.append(" = \"itsnat_iframe_loader\";\n");
            code.append(" = \"itsnat_iframe_loader\";\n");
            code.append("iframe.src = \"about:blank\";\n");
            code.append(" = \"none\";\n");
            code.append("iframe.onload = " + (useOnLoad ? "function () { itsnat.endSendMarkup(); }" : "null") + ";\n");

            code.append(" = \"itsnat_form_loader\";\n");
            code.append("form.action = url;\n");
            code.append(" = \"itsnat_iframe_loader\";\n");
            code.append("form.method = \"post\";\n");

            code.append("input.type = \"hidden\";\n");
            code.append(" = \"itsnat_markup_code\";\n");
            code.append(" = \"itsnat_markup_code\";\n");

        code.append("  this.iframe = iframe;\n");
        code.append("  input.value = markupOrig;\n");
        code.append("  form.submit();\n");
        code.append("  form.parentNode.removeChild(form);\n"); // Elimina tambi�n el input

        if (!useOnLoad// Si no se usa onload podemos llamar aqu� directamente

        code.append("}; \n");

        code.append("itsnat.endSendMarkup = function()\n");
        code.append("{ \n");
        code.append("  var url = \"" + url + "?itsnat_action=" + RequestImpl.ITSNAT_ACTION_ATTACH_SERVER + "&itsnat_subaction=load_doc&itsnat_client_id=" + clientDoc.getId() + "&timestamp=\" + new Date().getTime();\n"); // El timestamp es simplemente para evitar cacheos
        code.append("  var id = \"itsnat_script_loader\";\n");

        if (template.isMIME_HTML() && !useOnLoad// Tras el onload el documento est� cargado y document.write() ya no vale
            code.append("document.write('<script id=\"' + id + '\" src=\"' + url + '\"><\\/script>');\n"); // Usamos src="..." en vez de src='...' porque encodeURIComponent no "escapea" el caracter: ' (no se si esto es as� ahora que se usa escape pero funciona)
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Related Classes of org.itsnat.impl.core.clientdoc.ClientDocumentAttachedServerImpl

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