private BlockHandle writeBlock(BlockBuilder blockBuilder)
throws IOException
// close the block
Slice raw = blockBuilder.finish();
// attempt to compress the block
Slice blockContents = raw;
CompressionType blockCompressionType = CompressionType.NONE;
if (compressionType == CompressionType.SNAPPY) {
try {
int compressedSize = Snappy.compress(raw.getRawArray(), raw.getRawOffset(), raw.length(), compressedOutput.getRawArray(), 0);
// Don't use the compressed data if compressed less than 12.5%,
if (compressedSize < raw.length() - (raw.length() / 8)) {
blockContents = compressedOutput.slice(0, compressedSize);
blockCompressionType = CompressionType.SNAPPY;
catch (IOException ignored) {
// compression failed, so just store uncompressed form
// create block trailer
BlockTrailer blockTrailer = new BlockTrailer(blockCompressionType, crc32c(blockContents, blockCompressionType));
Slice trailer = BlockTrailer.writeBlockTrailer(blockTrailer);
// create a handle to this block
BlockHandle blockHandle = new BlockHandle(position, blockContents.length());
// write data and trailer
position += fileChannel.write(new ByteBuffer[] {blockContents.toByteBuffer(), trailer.toByteBuffer()});
// clean up state
return blockHandle;