log.tracef("The transaction %s is already prepared. Skipping prepare call.", globalTx);
return null;
// 1. first create a remote transaction
RemoteTransaction remoteTransaction = txTable.getRemoteTransaction(globalTx);
boolean remoteTxInitiated = remoteTransaction != null;
if (!remoteTxInitiated) {
remoteTransaction = txTable.createRemoteTransaction(globalTx, modifications);
} else {
* remote tx was already created by Cache#lock() API call
* set the proper modifications since lock has none
* @see LockControlCommand.java
* https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/ISPN-48
// 2. then set it on the invocation context
RemoteTxInvocationContext ctx = icc.createRemoteTxInvocationContext(getOrigin());