manager(0).defineConfiguration(CACHE_NAME, cfg.build());
manager(1).defineConfiguration(CACHE_NAME, cfg.build());
final CheckPoint checkpoint = new CheckPoint();
final AdvancedCache<Object, Object> cache0 = advancedCache(0, CACHE_NAME);
final TransactionManager tm0 = cache0.getTransactionManager();
// Block state request commands on cache 0
StateProvider stateProvider = TestingUtil.extractComponent(cache0, StateProvider.class);
StateProvider spyProvider = spy(stateProvider);
doAnswer(new Answer<Object>() {
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
Object[] arguments = invocation.getArguments();
Address source = (Address) arguments[0];
int topologyId = (Integer) arguments[1];
Object result = invocation.callRealMethod();
checkpoint.trigger("post_get_transactions_" + topologyId + "_from_" + source);
checkpoint.awaitStrict("resume_get_transactions_" + topologyId + "_from_" + source, 10, SECONDS);
return result;
}).when(spyProvider).getTransactionsForSegments(any(Address.class), anyInt(), anySetOf(Integer.class));
TestingUtil.replaceComponent(cache0, StateProvider.class, spyProvider, true);
// Start cache 1, but the tx data request will be blocked on cache 0
StateTransferManager stm0 = TestingUtil.extractComponent(cache0, StateTransferManager.class);
int initialTopologyId = stm0.getCacheTopology().getTopologyId();
int rebalanceTopologyId = initialTopologyId + 1;
AdvancedCache<Object, Object> cache1 = advancedCache(1, CACHE_NAME);
checkpoint.awaitStrict("post_get_transactions_" + rebalanceTopologyId + "_from_" + address(1), 10, SECONDS);
// Start many transaction on cache 0, which will block on cache 1
Future<Object>[] futures = new Future[NUM_TXS];
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TXS; i++) {
// The rollback command should be invoked on cache 1 and it should block until the tx is created there
final int ii = i;
futures[i] = fork(new Callable<Object>() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
cache0.put("testkey" + ii, "v" + ii);
return null;
// Wait for all (or at least most of) the txs to be replicated to cache 1
// Let cache 1 receive the tx from cache 0.
checkpoint.trigger("resume_get_transactions_" + rebalanceTopologyId + "_from_" + address(1));
// Wait for the txs to finish and check the results
DataContainer dataContainer0 = TestingUtil.extractComponent(cache0, DataContainer.class);
DataContainer dataContainer1 = TestingUtil.extractComponent(cache1, DataContainer.class);