Package org.infinispan.lucene.testutils

Examples of org.infinispan.lucene.testutils.RepeatableLongByteSequence

   private void assertReadByteWorkingCorrectly(Directory dir, String fileName,
            final int contentFileSizeExpected) throws IOException {
      IndexInput indexInput = dir.openInput(fileName);
      AssertJUnit.assertEquals(contentFileSizeExpected, indexInput.length());
      RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence();

      for (int i = 0; i < contentFileSizeExpected; i++) {
         AssertJUnit.assertEquals(bytesGenerator.nextByte(), indexInput.readByte());
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    *           The size content file to create
    * @throws IOException
   private void createFileWithRepeatableContent(Directory dir, String fileName, final int contentFileSize) throws IOException {
      IndexOutput indexOutput = dir.createOutput(fileName);
      RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence();
      for (int i = 0; i < contentFileSize; i++) {
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@Test(groups = "unit", testName = "lucene.testutils.RepeatableLongByteSequenceTest")
public class RepeatableLongByteSequenceTest {
   @Test(description="To verify the RepeatableLongByteSequence meets the requirement of producing "
      + "always the same values when using the single nextByte()")
   public void verifyRepeatability() {
      RepeatableLongByteSequence src1 = new RepeatableLongByteSequence();
      RepeatableLongByteSequence src2 = new RepeatableLongByteSequence();
      for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
         assert src1.nextByte() == src2.nextByte();
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   @Test(description="To verify the RepeatableLongByteSequence meets the requirement of producing "
         + "always the same values when using the multivalued nextBytes()")
   public void verifyEquality() {
      RepeatableLongByteSequence src1 = new RepeatableLongByteSequence();
      RepeatableLongByteSequence src2 = new RepeatableLongByteSequence();
      final int arrayLength = 10;
      byte[] b = new byte[arrayLength];
      for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
         if((i % arrayLength) == 0) {
         assert b[i % arrayLength] == src2.nextByte();
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      Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache();
      Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME).chunkSize(BUFFER_SIZE).create();

      String fileName = "SomeText.txt";
      IndexOutput io = dir.createOutput(fileName, IOContext.DEFAULT);
      RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence();
      //It writes repeatable text
      final int REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE = 1501;
      for (int i = 0; i < REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
      assert io.length() == REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE;

      //Text to write on file with repeatable text
      final String someText = "This is some text";
      final byte[] someTextAsBytes = someText.getBytes();
      //4 points in random order where writing someText: at begin of file, at end of file, within a single chunk,
      //between 2 chunks
      final int[] pointers = {0, 635, REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE, 135};
      for(int i=0; i < pointers.length; i++) {
         io.writeBytes(someTextAsBytes, someTextAsBytes.length);

      final long finalSize = REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE + someTextAsBytes.length;
      assert io.length() == finalSize;
      assert io.length() == DirectoryIntegrityCheck.deepCountFileSize(new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME,fileName), cache);

      int indexPointer = 0;
      byte[] buffer = null;
      int chunkIndex = -1;
      //now testing the stream is equal to the produced repeatable but including the edits at pointed positions
      for (int i = 0; i < REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE + someTextAsBytes.length; i++) {
         if (i % BUFFER_SIZE == 0) {
            buffer = (byte[]) cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, fileName, ++chunkIndex, BUFFER_SIZE));

         byte predictableByte = bytesGenerator.nextByte();
         if (i < pointers[indexPointer]) {
            //Assert predictable text
            AssertJUnit.assertEquals(predictableByte, buffer[i % BUFFER_SIZE]);
         } else if (pointers[indexPointer] <= i && i < pointers[indexPointer] + someTextAsBytes.length) {
            //Assert someText
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      assert BUFFER_SIZE < FILE_SIZE;
      createFileWithRepeatableContent(dir, "RandomSampleFile.txt", FILE_SIZE);

      IndexInput indexInput = dir.openInput("RandomSampleFile.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT);
      assert indexInput.length() == FILE_SIZE;
      RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence();

      Random r = new Random();
      long seekPoint = 0;
      // Now it reads some random byte and it compares to the expected byte
      for (int i = 0; i < FILE_SIZE; i++) {
         if (seekPoint == i) {
            byte expectedByte = bytesGenerator.nextByte();
            byte actualByte = indexInput.readByte();
            assert expectedByte == actualByte;
            seekPoint = indexInput.getFilePointer() + r.nextInt(10);
         } else {

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   private void assertReadBytesWorkingCorrectly(Directory dir, String fileName,
            final int contentFileSizeExpected, final int arrayLengthToRead) throws IOException {
      IndexInput indexInput = dir.openInput(fileName, IOContext.DEFAULT);
      AssertJUnit.assertEquals(contentFileSizeExpected, indexInput.length());

      RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence();

      byte[] readBytes = new byte[arrayLengthToRead];
      byte[] expectedBytes = new byte[arrayLengthToRead];

      long toRead = contentFileSizeExpected;
      while (toRead > 0) {
         // the condition is satisfied when the file is close to the end
         if (toRead < arrayLengthToRead) {
            readBytes = new byte[(int) toRead];
            expectedBytes = new byte[(int) toRead];
         int nextBytesToRead = (int) Math.min(toRead, arrayLengthToRead);

         indexInput.readBytes(readBytes, 0, nextBytesToRead);

         assert Arrays.equals(expectedBytes, readBytes);

         toRead = toRead - nextBytesToRead;
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   private void assertReadByteWorkingCorrectly(Directory dir, String fileName,
            final int contentFileSizeExpected) throws IOException {
      IndexInput indexInput = dir.openInput(fileName, IOContext.DEFAULT);
      AssertJUnit.assertEquals(contentFileSizeExpected, indexInput.length());
      RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence();

      for (int i = 0; i < contentFileSizeExpected; i++) {
         AssertJUnit.assertEquals(bytesGenerator.nextByte(), indexInput.readByte());
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    *           The size content file to create
    * @throws IOException
   private void createFileWithRepeatableContent(Directory dir, String fileName, final int contentFileSize) throws IOException {
      IndexOutput indexOutput = dir.createOutput(fileName, IOContext.DEFAULT);
      RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence();
      for (int i = 0; i < contentFileSize; i++) {
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      Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache();
      Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME).chunkSize(BUFFER_SIZE).create();
      String fileName = "SomeText.txt";
      IndexOutput io = dir.createOutput(fileName);
      RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence();
      //It writes repeatable text
      final int REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE = 1501;
      for (int i = 0; i < REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
      assert io.length() == REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE;
      //Text to write on file with repeatable text
      final String someText = "This is some text";
      final byte[] someTextAsBytes = someText.getBytes();
      //4 points in random order where writing someText: at begin of file, at end of file, within a single chunk,
      //between 2 chunks
      final int[] pointers = {0, 635, REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE, 135};
      for(int i=0; i < pointers.length; i++) {[i]);
         io.writeBytes(someTextAsBytes, someTextAsBytes.length);
      final long finalSize = REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE + someTextAsBytes.length;
      assert io.length() == finalSize;
      assert io.length() == DirectoryIntegrityCheck.deepCountFileSize(new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME,fileName), cache);
      int indexPointer = 0;
      byte[] buffer = null;
      int chunkIndex = -1;
      //now testing the stream is equal to the produced repeatable but including the edits at pointed positions
      for (int i = 0; i < REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE + someTextAsBytes.length; i++) {
         if (i % BUFFER_SIZE == 0) {
            buffer = (byte[]) cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, fileName, ++chunkIndex, BUFFER_SIZE));
         byte predictableByte = bytesGenerator.nextByte();
         if (i < pointers[indexPointer]) {
            //Assert predictable text
            AssertJUnit.assertEquals(predictableByte, buffer[i % BUFFER_SIZE]);
         } else if (pointers[indexPointer] <= i && i < pointers[indexPointer] + someTextAsBytes.length) {
            //Assert someText
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Related Classes of org.infinispan.lucene.testutils.RepeatableLongByteSequence

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