Package org.infinispan.container

Examples of org.infinispan.container.DataContainer"Adding a new node ..");
      addClusterEnabledCacheManager(cacheConfigBuilder);"Added a new node");

      DataContainer dc0 = advancedCache(0).getDataContainer();
      DataContainer dc1 = advancedCache(1).getDataContainer();
      DataContainer dc2 = advancedCache(2).getDataContainer();

      // wait for state transfer on node C to progress to the point where data segments are about to be applied
      if (!applyStateStartedLatch.await(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
         throw new TimeoutException();

      if (op == Operation.CLEAR) {"Clearing cache ..");
         cache(0).clear();"Finished clearing cache");

         assertEquals(0, dc0.size());
         assertEquals(0, dc1.size());
      } else if (op == Operation.REMOVE) {"Removing all keys one by one ..");
         for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
         }"Finished removing keys");

         assertEquals(0, dc0.size());
         assertEquals(0, dc1.size());
      } else if (op == Operation.PUT || op == Operation.PUT_MAP || op == Operation.REPLACE || op == Operation.PUT_IF_ABSENT) {"Updating all keys ..");
         if (op == Operation.PUT) {
            for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
               cache(0).put(i, "after_st_" + i);
         } else if (op == Operation.PUT_MAP) {
            Map<Integer, String> toPut = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
            for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
               toPut.put(i, "after_st_" + i);
         } else if (op == Operation.REPLACE) {
            for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
               String expectedOldValue = "before_st_" + i;
               boolean replaced = cache(0).replace(i, expectedOldValue, "after_st_" + i);
         } else { // PUT_IF_ABSENT
            for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
               String expectedOldValue = "before_st_" + i;
               Object prevValue = cache(0).putIfAbsent(i, "after_st_" + i);
               assertEquals(expectedOldValue, prevValue);
         }"Finished updating keys");

      // allow state transfer to apply state

      // wait for apply state to end
      TestingUtil.waitForRehashToComplete(cache(0), cache(1), cache(2));

      // at this point state transfer is fully done
      log.infof("Data container of NodeA has %d keys: %s", dc0.size(), dc0.keySet());
      log.infof("Data container of NodeB has %d keys: %s", dc1.size(), dc1.keySet());
      log.infof("Data container of NodeC has %d keys: %s", dc2.size(), dc2.keySet());

      if (op == Operation.CLEAR || op == Operation.REMOVE) {
         // caches should be empty. check that no keys were revived by an inconsistent state transfer
         for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
      } else if (op == Operation.PUT || op == Operation.PUT_MAP || op == Operation.REPLACE) {
         // check that all values are the ones expected after state transfer and were not overwritten with old values carried by state transfer
         for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
            String expectedValue = "after_st_" + i;
View Full Code Here"Killing node 1 ..");
      TestingUtil.killCacheManagers(manager(1));"Node 1 killed");

      DataContainer dc0 = advancedCache(0).getDataContainer();
      DataContainer dc2 = advancedCache(2).getDataContainer();

      // wait for state transfer on nodes A and C to progress to the point where data segments are about to be applied
      if (!applyStateStartedLatch1.await(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
         throw new TimeoutException();
      if (!applyStateStartedLatch2.await(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
         throw new TimeoutException();

      if (op == Operation.CLEAR) {"Clearing cache ..");
         cache(0).clear();"Finished clearing cache");

         assertEquals(0, dc0.size());
         assertEquals(0, dc2.size());
      } else if (op == Operation.REMOVE) {"Removing all keys one by one ..");
         for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
         }"Finished removing keys");

         assertEquals(0, dc0.size());
         assertEquals(0, dc2.size());
      } else if (op == Operation.PUT || op == Operation.PUT_MAP || op == Operation.REPLACE || op == Operation.PUT_IF_ABSENT) {"Updating all keys ..");
         if (op == Operation.PUT) {
            for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
               cache(0).put(i, "after_st_" + i);
         } else if (op == Operation.PUT_MAP) {
            Map<Integer, String> toPut = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
            for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
               toPut.put(i, "after_st_" + i);
         } else if (op == Operation.REPLACE) {
            for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
               String expectedOldValue = "before_st_" + i;
               boolean replaced = cache(0).replace(i, expectedOldValue, "after_st_" + i);
         } else { // PUT_IF_ABSENT
            for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
               String expectedOldValue = "before_st_" + i;
               Object prevValue = cache(0).putIfAbsent(i, "after_st_" + i);
               assertEquals(expectedOldValue, prevValue);
         }"Finished updating keys");

      // allow state transfer to apply state

      // wait for apply state to end
      TestingUtil.waitForRehashToComplete(cache(0), cache(2));

      // at this point state transfer is fully done
      log.infof("Data container of NodeA has %d keys: %s", dc0.size(), dc0.keySet());
      log.infof("Data container of NodeC has %d keys: %s", dc2.size(), dc2.keySet());

      if (op == Operation.CLEAR || op == Operation.REMOVE) {
         // caches should be empty. check that no keys were revived by an inconsistent state transfer
         for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
      } else if (op == Operation.PUT || op == Operation.PUT_MAP || op == Operation.REPLACE) {
         ConsistentHash ch = advancedCache(0).getComponentRegistry().getStateTransferManager().getCacheTopology().getReadConsistentHash();
         // check that all values are the ones expected after state transfer
         for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
            // check number of owners
            int owners = 0;
            if (dc0.get(i) != null) {
            if (dc2.get(i) != null) {
            assertEquals("Wrong number of owners", ch.locateOwners(i).size(), owners);

            // check values were not overwritten with old values carried by state transfer
            assertEquals("after_st_" + i, cache(0).get(i));
            assertEquals("after_st_" + i, cache(2).get(i));
      } else { // PUT_IF_ABSENT
         ConsistentHash ch = advancedCache(0).getComponentRegistry().getStateTransferManager().getCacheTopology().getReadConsistentHash();
         for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
            // check number of owners
            int owners = 0;
            if (dc0.get(i) != null) {
            if (dc2.get(i) != null) {
            assertEquals("Wrong number of owners", ch.locateOwners(i).size(), owners);

            assertEquals("before_st_" + i, cache(0).get(i));
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   public void testStoreAsBinaryOnBoth() {
      Configuration c = new Configuration().fluent().storeAsBinary().storeKeysAsBinary(true).storeValuesAsBinary(true).build();
      ecm = TestCacheManagerFactory.createCacheManager(c);
      ecm.getCache().put(key, value);

      DataContainer dc = ecm.getCache().getAdvancedCache().getDataContainer();

      InternalCacheEntry entry = dc.iterator().next();
      Object key = entry.getKey();
      Object value = entry.getValue();

      assert key instanceof MarshalledValue;
      assert ((MarshalledValue) key).get().equals(this.key);
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   public void testStoreAsBinaryOnKeys() {
      Configuration c = new Configuration().fluent().storeAsBinary().storeValuesAsBinary(false).build();
      ecm = TestCacheManagerFactory.createCacheManager(c);
      ecm.getCache().put(key, value);

      DataContainer dc = ecm.getCache().getAdvancedCache().getDataContainer();

      InternalCacheEntry entry = dc.iterator().next();
      Object key = entry.getKey();
      Object value = entry.getValue();

      assert key instanceof MarshalledValue;
      assert ((MarshalledValue) key).get().equals(this.key);
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   public void testStoreAsBinaryOnValues() {
      Configuration c = new Configuration().fluent().storeAsBinary().storeKeysAsBinary(false).build();
      ecm = TestCacheManagerFactory.createCacheManager(c);
      ecm.getCache().put(key, value);

      DataContainer dc = ecm.getCache().getAdvancedCache().getDataContainer();

      InternalCacheEntry entry = dc.iterator().next();
      Object key = entry.getKey();
      Object value = entry.getValue();

      assert this.key.equals(key);
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   public void testStoreAsBinaryOnNeither() {
      Configuration c = new Configuration().fluent().storeAsBinary().storeKeysAsBinary(false).storeValuesAsBinary(false).build();
      ecm = TestCacheManagerFactory.createCacheManager(c);
      ecm.getCache().put(key, value);

      DataContainer dc = ecm.getCache().getAdvancedCache().getDataContainer();

      assert value.equals(dc.get(key).getValue());
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      CacheNotifier cacheNotifier = mock(CacheNotifier.class);
      RpcManager rpcManager = mock(RpcManager.class);
      Transport transport = mock(Transport.class);
      CommandsFactory commandsFactory = mock(CommandsFactory.class);
      CacheLoaderManager cacheLoaderManager = mock(CacheLoaderManager.class);
      DataContainer dataContainer = mock(DataContainer.class);
      TransactionTable transactionTable = mock(TransactionTable.class);
      StateTransferLock stateTransferLock = mock(StateTransferLock.class);
      InterceptorChain interceptorChain = mock(InterceptorChain.class);
      InvocationContextContainer icc = mock(InvocationContextContainer.class);

      when(commandsFactory.buildStateRequestCommand(any(StateRequestCommand.Type.class), any(Address.class), anyInt(), any(Set.class))).thenAnswer(new Answer<StateRequestCommand>() {
         public StateRequestCommand answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
            return new StateRequestCommand("cache1", (StateRequestCommand.Type) invocation.getArguments()[0], (Address) invocation.getArguments()[1], (Integer) invocation.getArguments()[2], (Set) invocation.getArguments()[3]);

      when(rpcManager.getAddress()).thenReturn(new TestAddress(0));

      when(rpcManager.invokeRemotely(any(Collection.class), any(ReplicableCommand.class), any(ResponseMode.class), anyLong())).thenAnswer(new Answer<Map<Address, Response>>() {
         public Map<Address, Response> answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
            Collection<Address> recipients = (Collection<Address>) invocation.getArguments()[0];
            ReplicableCommand rpcCommand = (ReplicableCommand) invocation.getArguments()[1];
            if (rpcCommand instanceof StateRequestCommand) {
               StateRequestCommand cmd = (StateRequestCommand) rpcCommand;
               Map<Address, Response> results = new HashMap<Address, Response>();
               if (cmd.getType().equals(StateRequestCommand.Type.GET_TRANSACTIONS)) {
                  for (Address recipient : recipients) {
                     results.put(recipient, SuccessfulResponse.create(new ArrayList<TransactionInfo>()));
               } else if (cmd.getType().equals(StateRequestCommand.Type.START_STATE_TRANSFER) || cmd.getType().equals(StateRequestCommand.Type.CANCEL_STATE_TRANSFER)) {
                  for (Address recipient : recipients) {
                     results.put(recipient, SuccessfulResponse.SUCCESSFUL_EMPTY_RESPONSE);
               return results;
            return Collections.emptyMap();

      // create state provider
      StateConsumerImpl stateConsumer = new StateConsumerImpl();
      stateConsumer.init(cache, pooledExecutorService, stateTransferManager, interceptorChain, icc, configuration, rpcManager, null,
            commandsFactory, cacheLoaderManager, dataContainer, transactionTable, stateTransferLock, cacheNotifier);

      final List<InternalCacheEntry> cacheEntries = new ArrayList<InternalCacheEntry>();
      Object key1 = new TestKey("key1", 0, ch1);
      Object key2 = new TestKey("key2", 0, ch1);
      cacheEntries.add(new ImmortalCacheEntry(key1, "value1"));
      cacheEntries.add(new ImmortalCacheEntry(key2, "value2"));
      when(dataContainer.iterator()).thenAnswer(new Answer<Iterator<InternalCacheEntry>>() {
         public Iterator<InternalCacheEntry> answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
            return cacheEntries.iterator();
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               assertEquals(null, cache.get(1));
            } finally {

            DataContainer dataContainer = TestingUtil.extractComponent(cache, DataContainer.class);

            Set<Integer> keys = cache.keySet();
            assertTrue("Keys not empty: " + keys, keys.isEmpty());
            Set<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entries = cache.entrySet();
            assertTrue("Entry set not empty: " + entries, entries.isEmpty());
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   protected void assertOwnershipAndNonOwnership(Object key, boolean allowL1) {
      for (Cache<Object, String> c : caches) {
         DataContainer dc = c.getAdvancedCache().getDataContainer();
         InternalCacheEntry ice = dc.get(key);
         if (isOwner(c, key)) {
            assert ice != null : "Fail on owner cache " + addressOf(c) + ": dc.get(" + key + ") returned null!";
            assert ice instanceof ImmortalCacheEntry : "Fail on owner cache " + addressOf(c) + ": dc.get(" + key + ") returned " + safeType(ice);
         } else {
            if (allowL1) {
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   public void testPreloadOnStart() throws CacheLoaderException {
      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_KEYS; i++) {
         c1.put("k" + i, "v" + i);
      DataContainer dc1 = c1.getAdvancedCache().getDataContainer();
      assert dc1.size() == NUM_KEYS;

      DummyInMemoryCacheStore cs = (DummyInMemoryCacheStore) TestingUtil.extractComponent(c1, CacheLoaderManager.class).getCacheStore();
      assert cs.loadAllKeys(Collections.emptySet()).size() == NUM_KEYS;

      EmbeddedCacheManager cm2 = cacheManagers.get(1);
      cm2.defineConfiguration(cacheName, buildConfiguration().build());
      c2 = cache(1, cacheName);

      DataContainer dc2 = c2.getAdvancedCache().getDataContainer();
      assertEquals("Expected all the cache store entries to be preloaded on the second cache", NUM_KEYS, dc2.size());

      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_KEYS; i++) {
         assertOwnershipAndNonOwnership("k" + i, true);
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Related Classes of org.infinispan.container.DataContainer

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