// This is per CM, so the CL in use should be the CM CL
private void buildChannel() {
FileLookup fileLookup = new FileLookup();
// in order of preference - we first look for an external JGroups file, then a set of XML
// properties, and
// finally the legacy JGroups String properties.
String cfg;
if (props != null) {
if (props.containsKey(CHANNEL_LOOKUP)) {
String channelLookupClassName = props.getProperty(CHANNEL_LOOKUP);
try {
JGroupsChannelLookup lookup = Util.getInstance(channelLookupClassName, configuration.classLoader());
channel = lookup.getJGroupsChannel(props);
connectChannel = lookup.shouldConnect();
disconnectChannel = lookup.shouldDisconnect();
closeChannel = lookup.shouldClose();
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
log.wrongTypeForJGroupsChannelLookup(channelLookupClassName, e);
throw new CacheException(e);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.errorInstantiatingJGroupsChannelLookup(channelLookupClassName, e);
throw new CacheException(e);
if (channel == null && props.containsKey(CONFIGURATION_FILE)) {
cfg = props.getProperty(CONFIGURATION_FILE);
URL conf = fileLookup.lookupFileLocation(cfg, configuration.classLoader());
if (conf == null) {
throw new CacheConfigurationException(CONFIGURATION_FILE
+ " property specifies value " + cfg + " that could not be read!",
new FileNotFoundException(cfg));
try {
channel = new JChannel(conf);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CacheException(e);
if (channel == null && props.containsKey(CONFIGURATION_XML)) {
cfg = props.getProperty(CONFIGURATION_XML);
try {
channel = new JChannel(XmlConfigHelper.stringToElement(cfg));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CacheException(e);
if (channel == null && props.containsKey(CONFIGURATION_STRING)) {
cfg = props.getProperty(CONFIGURATION_STRING);
try {
channel = new JChannel(cfg);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CacheException(e);
if (channel == null) {
try {
channel = new JChannel(fileLookup.lookupFileLocation(DEFAULT_JGROUPS_CONFIGURATION_FILE, configuration.classLoader()));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CacheException("Unable to start JGroups channel", e);