Package org.infinispan.commands.write

Examples of org.infinispan.commands.write.WriteCommand

   public Object visitPrepareCommand(TxInvocationContext ctx, PrepareCommand command) throws Throwable {
      final WriteCommand[] writeCommands = command.getModifications();
      final Object[] stateBeforePrepare = new Object[writeCommands.length];

      for (int i = 0; i < writeCommands.length; i++) {
         final WriteCommand writeCommand = writeCommands[i];
         if (writeCommand instanceof PutKeyValueCommand) {
            InternalCacheEntry internalCacheEntry = dataContainer.get(((PutKeyValueCommand) writeCommand).getKey());
            stateBeforePrepare[i] = internalCacheEntry != null ? internalCacheEntry.getValue() : null;
         } else if (writeCommand instanceof PutMapCommand) {
            stateBeforePrepare[i] = getPreviousValues(((PutMapCommand) writeCommand).getMap().keySet());
         } else if (writeCommand instanceof RemoveCommand) {
            InternalCacheEntry internalCacheEntry = dataContainer.get(((RemoveCommand) writeCommand).getKey());
            stateBeforePrepare[i] = internalCacheEntry != null ? internalCacheEntry.getValue() : null;
         } else if (writeCommand instanceof ReplaceCommand) {
            InternalCacheEntry internalCacheEntry = dataContainer.get(((ReplaceCommand) writeCommand).getKey());
            stateBeforePrepare[i] = internalCacheEntry != null ? internalCacheEntry.getValue() : null;

      final Object toReturn = super.visitPrepareCommand(ctx, command);

      if (ctx.isTransactionValid()) {
         final TransactionContext transactionContext = makeTransactionalEventContext();
         for (int i = 0; i < writeCommands.length; i++) {
            final WriteCommand writeCommand = writeCommands[i];
            if (writeCommand instanceof PutKeyValueCommand) {
               processPutKeyValueCommand((PutKeyValueCommand) writeCommand, ctx, stateBeforePrepare[i], transactionContext);
            } else if (writeCommand instanceof PutMapCommand) {
               processPutMapCommand((PutMapCommand) writeCommand, ctx, (Map<Object, Object>) stateBeforePrepare[i], transactionContext);
            } else if (writeCommand instanceof RemoveCommand) {
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         ReplicableCommand c = src.getCommand();
         byte commandId = c.getCommandId();
         if (c instanceof WriteCommand) {
            if (returnValue == null) return null;
            // check if this is successful.
            WriteCommand wc = (WriteCommand) c;
            return handleWriteCommand(wc, returnValue);
         } else if (commandId == MapReduceCommand.COMMAND_ID || commandId == DistributedExecuteCommand.COMMAND_ID) {
            // Even null values should be wrapped in this case.
            return SuccessfulResponse.create(returnValue);
         } else if (c.isReturnValueExpected()) {
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      if (!ctx.isInTxScope()) {
         try {
            // We only retry non-tx write commands
            if (command instanceof WriteCommand) {
               WriteCommand writeCommand = (WriteCommand) command;
               // Can't perform the check during preload or if the cache isn't clustered
               boolean useLockForwarding = cacheConfiguration.clustering().cacheMode().isDistributed() &&
               boolean isSync = (cacheConfiguration.clustering().cacheMode().isSynchronous() &&
                     !command.hasFlag(Flag.FORCE_ASYNCHRONOUS)) || command.hasFlag(Flag.FORCE_SYNCHRONOUS);
               if (writeCommand.isSuccessful() && useLockForwarding && stateConsumer != null &&
                     stateConsumer.getCacheTopology() != null) {
                  int commandTopologyId = command.getTopologyId();
                  int currentTopologyId = stateConsumer.getCacheTopology().getTopologyId();
                  // TotalOrderStateTransferInterceptor doesn't set the topology id for PFERs.
                  if ( isSync && currentTopologyId != commandTopologyId && commandTopologyId != -1) {
                     if (trace) log.tracef("Cache topology changed while the command was executing: expected %d, got %d",
                           commandTopologyId, currentTopologyId);
                     if (command instanceof WriteCommand) {
                     throw new OutdatedTopologyException("Cache topology changed while the command was executing: expected " +
                           commandTopologyId + ", got " + currentTopologyId);
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         ReplicableCommand c = src.getCommand();
         byte commandId = c.getCommandId();
         if (c instanceof WriteCommand) {
            if (returnValue == null) return null;
            // check if this is successful.
            WriteCommand wc = (WriteCommand) c;
            return handleWriteCommand(wc, returnValue);
         } else if (commandId == MapCombineCommand.COMMAND_ID ||
                  commandId == ReduceCommand.COMMAND_ID ||
                  commandId == DistributedExecuteCommand.COMMAND_ID) {
            // Even null values should be wrapped in this case.
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      if (!ctx.isInTxScope()) {
         try {
            // We only retry non-tx write commands
            if (command instanceof WriteCommand) {
               WriteCommand writeCommand = (WriteCommand) command;
               // Can't perform the check during preload or if the cache isn't clustered
               boolean isSync = (cacheConfiguration.clustering().cacheMode().isSynchronous() &&
                     !command.hasFlag(Flag.FORCE_ASYNCHRONOUS)) || command.hasFlag(Flag.FORCE_SYNCHRONOUS);
               if (writeCommand.isSuccessful() && stateConsumer != null &&
                     stateConsumer.getCacheTopology() != null) {
                  int commandTopologyId = command.getTopologyId();
                  int currentTopologyId = stateConsumer.getCacheTopology().getTopologyId();
                  // TotalOrderStateTransferInterceptor doesn't set the topology id for PFERs.
                  if ( isSync && currentTopologyId != commandTopologyId && commandTopologyId != -1) {
                     if (trace) log.tracef("Cache topology changed while the command was executing: expected %d, got %d",
                           commandTopologyId, currentTopologyId);
                     throw new OutdatedTopologyException("Cache topology changed while the command was executing: expected " +
                           commandTopologyId + ", got " + currentTopologyId);
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         ReplicableCommand c = src.getCommand();
         byte commandId = c.getCommandId();
         if (c instanceof WriteCommand) {
            if (returnValue == null) return null;
            // check if this is successful.
            WriteCommand wc = (WriteCommand) c;
            return handleWriteCommand(wc, returnValue);
         } else if (commandId == MapCombineCommand.COMMAND_ID ||
                  commandId == ReduceCommand.COMMAND_ID ||
                  commandId == DistributedExecuteCommand.COMMAND_ID) {
            // Even null values should be wrapped in this case.
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         ReplicableCommand c = src.getCommand();
         byte commandId = c.getCommandId();
         if (c instanceof WriteCommand) {
            if (returnValue == null) return null;
            // check if this is successful.
            WriteCommand wc = (WriteCommand) c;
            return handleWriteCommand(wc, returnValue);
         } else if (commandId == MapReduceCommand.COMMAND_ID || commandId == DistributedExecuteCommand.COMMAND_ID) {
            // Even null values should be wrapped in this case.
            return new SuccessfulResponse(returnValue);
         } else if (c.isReturnValueExpected()) {
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   public Object visitPrepareCommand(TxInvocationContext ctx, PrepareCommand command) throws Throwable {
      final WriteCommand[] writeCommands = command.getModifications();
      final Object[] stateBeforePrepare = new Object[writeCommands.length];

      for (int i=0; i<writeCommands.length; i++) {
         final WriteCommand writeCommand = writeCommands[i];
         if (writeCommand instanceof PutKeyValueCommand) {
            InternalCacheEntry internalCacheEntry = dataContainer.get(((PutKeyValueCommand) writeCommand).getKey());
            stateBeforePrepare[i] = internalCacheEntry != null ? internalCacheEntry.getValue() : null;
         else if (writeCommand instanceof PutMapCommand) {
            stateBeforePrepare[i] = getPreviousValues(((PutMapCommand) writeCommand).getMap().keySet());
         else if (writeCommand instanceof RemoveCommand) {
            InternalCacheEntry internalCacheEntry = dataContainer.get(((RemoveCommand) writeCommand).getKey());
            stateBeforePrepare[i] = internalCacheEntry != null ? internalCacheEntry.getValue() : null;
         else if (writeCommand instanceof ReplaceCommand) {
            InternalCacheEntry internalCacheEntry = dataContainer.get(((ReplaceCommand) writeCommand).getKey());
            stateBeforePrepare[i] = internalCacheEntry != null ? internalCacheEntry.getValue() : null;

      final Object toReturn = super.visitPrepareCommand(ctx, command);

      if (ctx.isTransactionValid()) {
         final TransactionContext transactionContext = makeTransactionalEventContext();
         for (int i=0; i<writeCommands.length; i++) {
            final WriteCommand writeCommand = writeCommands[i];
            if (writeCommand instanceof PutKeyValueCommand) {
               processPutKeyValueCommand((PutKeyValueCommand) writeCommand, ctx, stateBeforePrepare[i], transactionContext);
            else if (writeCommand instanceof PutMapCommand) {
               processPutMapCommand((PutMapCommand) writeCommand, ctx, (Map<Object, Object>) stateBeforePrepare[i], transactionContext);
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   public boolean writesToASingleKey() {
      if (modifications == null || modifications.length != 1)
         return false;
      WriteCommand wc = modifications[0];
      return wc instanceof PutKeyValueCommand || wc instanceof RemoveCommand || wc instanceof ReplaceCommand;
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      if (!ctx.isInTxScope()) {
         try {
            // We only retry non-tx write commands
            if (command instanceof WriteCommand) {
               WriteCommand writeCommand = (WriteCommand) command;
               // Can't perform the check during preload or if the cache isn't clustered
               boolean useLockForwarding = cacheConfiguration.clustering().cacheMode().isDistributed() &&
               boolean isSync = (cacheConfiguration.clustering().cacheMode().isSynchronous() &&
                     !command.hasFlag(Flag.FORCE_ASYNCHRONOUS)) || command.hasFlag(Flag.FORCE_SYNCHRONOUS);
               if (writeCommand.isSuccessful() && useLockForwarding && stateConsumer != null &&
                     stateConsumer.getCacheTopology() != null) {
                  int commandTopologyId = command.getTopologyId();
                  int currentTopologyId = stateConsumer.getCacheTopology().getTopologyId();
                  // TotalOrderStateTransferInterceptor doesn't set the topology id for PFERs.
                  if ( isSync && currentTopologyId != commandTopologyId && commandTopologyId != -1) {
                     if (trace) log.tracef("Cache topology changed while the command was executing: expected %d, got %d",
                           commandTopologyId, currentTopologyId);
                     if (command instanceof WriteCommand) {
                     throw new OutdatedTopologyException("Cache topology changed while the command was executing: expected " +
                           commandTopologyId + ", got " + currentTopologyId);
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Related Classes of org.infinispan.commands.write.WriteCommand

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