Collections.<Flag>emptySet(), false, null, AnyEquivalence.getInstance());
// SizeCommand does not have an empty constructor, so doesn't look to be one that is marshallable.
GetKeyValueCommand c4 = new GetKeyValueCommand("key", Collections.<Flag>emptySet(), false);
byte[] bytes = marshaller.objectToByteBuffer(c4);
GetKeyValueCommand rc4 = (GetKeyValueCommand) marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(bytes);
assert rc4.getCommandId() == c4.getCommandId() : "Writen[" + c4.getCommandId() + "] and read[" + rc4.getCommandId() + "] objects should be the same";
assert Arrays.equals(rc4.getParameters(), c4.getParameters()) : "Writen[" + c4.getParameters() + "] and read[" + rc4.getParameters() + "] objects should be the same";
PutKeyValueCommand c5 = new PutKeyValueCommand("k", "v", false, null,
new EmbeddedMetadata.Builder().build(), Collections.<Flag>emptySet());