localResponse = (Response) command.perform(null);
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
throw new Exception(throwable);
if (!localResponse.isSuccessful()) {
throw new CacheException("Unsuccessful local response");
// wait for the remote commands to finish
Map<Address, Response> responseMap = remoteFuture.get(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// parse the responses
Map<Address, Object> responseValues = new HashMap<Address, Object>(transport.getMembers().size());
for (Map.Entry<Address, Response> entry : responseMap.entrySet()) {
Address address = entry.getKey();
Response response = entry.getValue();
if (!response.isSuccessful()) {
Throwable cause = response instanceof ExceptionResponse ? ((ExceptionResponse) response).getException() : null;
throw new CacheException("Unsuccessful response received from node " + address + ": " + response, cause);
responseValues.put(address, ((SuccessfulResponse) response).getResponseValue());
responseValues.put(transport.getAddress(), ((SuccessfulResponse) localResponse).getResponseValue());