public class MessagePropTest extends TestCase {
public void testMessagePropCreation() {
MessageProp msgp = new MessageProp(true);
MessageProp msgp2 = new MessageProp(0, true);
msgp2.setSupplementaryStates(false, false, false, false,
0, "no status");
if (msgp2.getQOP() != 1)
fail("Failed to get QOP from MessageProp");
System.out.format("%-40s %10s%n", "... testing getQOP()",
"... passed");
if (msgp2.getPrivacy() != false)
fail("Failed to get Privacy from MessageProp");
System.out.format("%-40s %10s%n", "... testing getPrivacy()",
"... passed");
if (msgp2.getMinorStatus() != 0)
fail("Failed to get minor status from MessageProp");
System.out.format("%-40s %10s%n", "... testing getMinorStatus()",
"... passed");
if (!msgp2.getMinorString().equals("no status"))
fail("Failed to get minor status string from MessageProp");
System.out.format("%-40s %10s%n", "... testing getMinorString()",
"... passed");
if (msgp2.isDuplicateToken())
fail("Incorrect duplicate flag set");
System.out.format("%-40s %10s%n", "... testing isDuplicateToken()",
"... passed");
if (msgp2.isOldToken())
fail("Incorrect old token flag set");
System.out.format("%-40s %10s%n", "... testing isOldToken()",
"... passed");
if (msgp2.isUnseqToken())
fail("Incorrect unseq token set");
System.out.format("%-40s %10s%n", "... testing isUnseqToken()",
"... passed");
if (msgp2.isGapToken())
fail("Incorrect gap token set");
System.out.format("%-40s %10s%n", "... testing isGapToken()",
"... passed");