// the other choice is to duplicate work (which the cache would prevent you
// from doing).
BlockCacheKey cacheKey = new BlockCacheKey(name, dataBlockOffset);
boolean useLock = false;
IdLock.Entry lockEntry = null;
TraceScope traceScope = Trace.startSpan("HFileReaderV2.readBlock");
try {
while (true) {
if (useLock) {
lockEntry = offsetLock.getLockEntry(dataBlockOffset);
// Check cache for block. If found return.
if (cacheConf.isBlockCacheEnabled()) {
// Try and get the block from the block cache. If the useLock variable is true then this
// is the second time through the loop and it should not be counted as a block cache miss.
HFileBlock cachedBlock = getCachedBlock(cacheKey, cacheBlock, useLock, isCompaction,
updateCacheMetrics, expectedBlockType, expectedDataBlockEncoding);
if (cachedBlock != null) {
assert cachedBlock.isUnpacked() : "Packed block leak.";
if (cachedBlock.getBlockType().isData()) {
if (updateCacheMetrics) {
// Validate encoding type for data blocks. We include encoding
// type in the cache key, and we expect it to match on a cache hit.
if (cachedBlock.getDataBlockEncoding() != dataBlockEncoder.getDataBlockEncoding()) {
throw new IOException("Cached block under key " + cacheKey + " "
+ "has wrong encoding: " + cachedBlock.getDataBlockEncoding() + " (expected: "
+ dataBlockEncoder.getDataBlockEncoding() + ")");
// Cache-hit. Return!
return cachedBlock;
// Carry on, please load.
if (!useLock) {
// check cache again with lock
useLock = true;
if (Trace.isTracing()) {
// Load block from filesystem.
HFileBlock hfileBlock = fsBlockReader.readBlockData(dataBlockOffset, onDiskBlockSize, -1,
validateBlockType(hfileBlock, expectedBlockType);
HFileBlock unpacked = hfileBlock.unpack(hfileContext, fsBlockReader);
BlockType.BlockCategory category = hfileBlock.getBlockType().getCategory();
// Cache the block if necessary
if (cacheBlock && cacheConf.shouldCacheBlockOnRead(category)) {
cacheConf.shouldCacheCompressed(category) ? hfileBlock : unpacked,
cacheConf.isInMemory(), this.cacheConf.isCacheDataInL1());
if (updateCacheMetrics && hfileBlock.getBlockType().isData()) {
return unpacked;
} finally {
if (lockEntry != null) {