String rawhref = "\"" + href + "\"";
String html = "<a id=" + rawid + /* no space */ "class=" + rawcls + " href=" + rawhref + ">Pick me.</a>";
createParser (html);
parseAndAssertNodeCount (1);
assertTrue ("Node should be an LinkTag", node[0] instanceof LinkTag);
LinkTag link = (LinkTag)node[0];
Vector attributes = link.getAttributesEx ();
assertEquals ("Incorrect number of attributes", 6, attributes.size ());
assertStringEquals ("id wrong", rawid, link.getAttributeEx ("id").getRawValue ());
assertStringEquals ("class wrong", rawcls, link.getAttributeEx ("class").getRawValue ());
assertStringEquals ("href wrong", rawhref, link.getAttributeEx ("href").getRawValue ());
assertStringEquals ("id wrong", id, link.getAttributeEx ("id").getValue ());
assertStringEquals ("class wrong", cls, link.getAttributeEx ("class").getValue ());
assertStringEquals ("href wrong", href, link.getAttributeEx ("href").getValue ());