public void testProperties2 ()
Attribute attribute;
Attribute space;
Vector attributes;
Tag tag;
String html;
attributes = new Vector ();
attribute = new PageAttribute ();
attribute.setName ("wombat");
assertTrue ("should be standalone", attribute.isStandAlone ());
assertTrue ("should not be whitespace", !attribute.isWhitespace ());
assertTrue ("should not be valued", !attribute.isValued ());
assertTrue ("should not be empty", !attribute.isEmpty ());
attributes.add (attribute);
space = new PageAttribute ();
space.setValue (" ");
assertTrue ("should not be standalone", !space.isStandAlone ());
assertTrue ("should be whitespace", space.isWhitespace ());
assertTrue ("should be valued", space.isValued ());
assertTrue ("should not be empty", !space.isEmpty ());
attributes.add (space);
attribute = new PageAttribute ();
attribute.setName ("label");
attribute.setAssignment ("=");
attribute.setRawValue ("The civil war.");
assertTrue ("should not be standalone", !attribute.isStandAlone ());
assertTrue ("should not be whitespace", !attribute.isWhitespace ());
assertTrue ("should be valued", attribute.isValued ());
assertTrue ("should not be empty", !attribute.isEmpty ());
attributes.add (attribute);
attributes.add (space);
attribute = new PageAttribute ();
attribute.setName ("frameborder");
attribute.setAssignment ("= ");
attribute.setRawValue ("no");
assertTrue ("should not be standalone", !attribute.isStandAlone ());
assertTrue ("should not be whitespace", !attribute.isWhitespace ());
assertTrue ("should be valued", attribute.isValued ());
assertTrue ("should not be empty", !attribute.isEmpty ());
attributes.add (attribute);
attributes.add (space);
attribute = new PageAttribute ();
attribute.setName ("name");
attribute.setAssignment ("=");
attribute.setValue ("topFrame");
attribute.setQuote ('"');
assertTrue ("should not be standalone", !attribute.isStandAlone ());
assertTrue ("should not be whitespace", !attribute.isWhitespace ());
assertTrue ("should be valued", attribute.isValued ());
assertTrue ("should not be empty", !attribute.isEmpty ());
attributes.add (attribute);
tag = new TagNode (null, 0, 0, attributes);
html = "<wombat label=\"The civil war.\" frameborder= no name=\"topFrame\">";
assertStringEquals ("tag contents", html, tag.toHtml ());