Package org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib

Examples of org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.Iterator

        //String  columnName;
        //Integer keySequence;
        String primaryKeyName;

        // Intermediate holders
        Iterator       tables;
        Table          table;
        Object[]       row;
        Constraint     constraint;
        int[]          cols;
        int            colCount;
        HsqlProperties p;

        // column number mappings
        final int itable_cat   = 0;
        final int itable_schem = 1;
        final int itable_name  = 2;
        final int icolumn_name = 3;
        final int ikey_seq     = 4;
        final int ipk_name     = 5;

        // Initialization
        p = database.getProperties();
        tables = p.isPropertyTrue("hsqldb.system_table_primarykeys")
                 ? allTables()
                 : database.schemaManager.databaseObjectIterator(

        while (tables.hasNext()) {
            table = (Table);

            if (table.isView() || !isAccessibleTable(table)
                    || !table.hasPrimaryKey()) {
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        // intermediate holders
        int           colCount;
        HsqlArrayList aliasList;
        Object[]      info;
        Method        method;
        Iterator      methods;
        Object[]      row;
        DITypeInfo    ti;

        // Initialization
        methods = ns.iterateAllAccessibleMethods(session, true);    // and aliases
        ti      = new DITypeInfo();

        // no such thing as identity or ignorecase return/parameter
        // procedure columns.  Future: may need to worry about this if
        // result columns are ever reported

        // JDBC 4.0

         * @todo we do not yet support declarative p-column defaults.
         * In essence, the default value for a procedure column is NULL
        colDefault       = null;
        procedureCatalog = database.getCatalogName().name;
        procedureSchema =

        // Do it.
        while (methods.hasNext()) {
            info      = (Object[]);
            method    = (Method) info[0];
            aliasList = (HsqlArrayList) info[1];


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        String specificName;

        // intermediate holders
        String        alias;
        HsqlArrayList aliasList;
        Iterator      methods;
        Object[]      methodInfo;
        Method        method;
        String        methodOrigin;
        Object[]      row;

        // Initialization
        methods = ns.iterateAllAccessibleMethods(session, true);    //and aliases
        catalog = database.getCatalogName().name;
        schema  = database.schemaManager.getDefaultSchemaHsqlName().name;

        // Do it.
        while (methods.hasNext()) {
            methodInfo   = (Object[]);
            method       = (Method) methodInfo[0];
            aliasList    = (HsqlArrayList) methodInfo[1];
            methodOrigin = (String) methodInfo[2];

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            return t;

        PersistentStore store = database.persistentStoreCollection.getStore(t);
        Iterator        schemas;
        Object[]        row;

        // Initialization
        schemas = database.schemaManager.fullSchemaNamesIterator();

        String defschema =

        // Do it.
        while (schemas.hasNext()) {
            row = t.getEmptyRowData();

            String schema = (String);

            row[0] = schema;
            row[1] = database.getCatalogName().name;
            row[2] = schema.equals(defschema) ? Boolean.TRUE
                                              : Boolean.FALSE;
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        PersistentStore store = database.persistentStoreCollection.getStore(t);

        // intermediate holders
        Iterator    tables;
        Table       table;
        Object[]    row;
        HsqlName    accessKey;
        DITableInfo ti;

        // column number mappings
        // JDBC 1
        final int itable_cat   = 0;
        final int itable_schem = 1;
        final int itable_name  = 2;
        final int itable_type  = 3;
        final int iremark      = 4;

        // JDBC 3.0
        final int itype_cat   = 5;
        final int itype_schem = 6;
        final int itype_name  = 7;
        final int isref_cname = 8;
        final int iref_gen    = 9;

        // hsqldb ext
        final int ihsqldb_type   = 10;
        final int iread_only     = 11;
        final int icommit_action = 12;

        // Initialization
        tables = allTables();
        ti     = new DITableInfo();

        // Do it.
        while (tables.hasNext()) {
            table = (Table);

            if (!isAccessibleTable(table)) {
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        String  tableName;
        Grantee granteeObject;

// intermediate holders
        User     user;
        Iterator tables;
        Table    table;
        Object[] row;

// column number mappings
        final int grantor        = 0;
        final int grantee        = 1;
        final int table_catalog  = 2;
        final int table_schema   = 3;
        final int table_name     = 4;
        final int column_name    = 5;
        final int privilege_type = 6;
        final int is_grantable   = 7;

        // enumerations
        OrderedHashSet grantees =

// Initialization
        tables = allTables();

        while (tables.hasNext()) {
            table        = (Table);
            tableName    = table.getName().name;
            tableCatalog = database.getCatalogName().name;
            tableSchema  = table.getSchemaName().name;

            for (int i = 0; i < grantees.size(); i++) {
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        final int declared_numeric_scale     = 13;
        final int start_with                 = 14;
        final int next_value                 = 15;

        Iterator       it;
        Object[]       row;
        NumberSequence sequence;

        it = database.schemaManager.databaseObjectIterator(

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            sequence = (NumberSequence);

            if (!session.getGrantee().isAccessible(sequence)) {
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        final int declared_numeric_scale     = 13;
        final int start_with                 = 14;
        final int next_value                 = 15;

        Iterator       it;
        Object[]       row;
        NumberSequence sequence;

        it = database.schemaManager.databaseObjectIterator(

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            sequence = (NumberSequence);

            if (!session.getGrantee().isAccessible(sequence)) {
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        String  tableName;
        Grantee granteeObject;
        String  privilege;

        // intermediate holders
        Iterator tables;
        Table    table;
        Object[] row;

        // column number mappings
        final int grantor        = 0;
        final int grantee        = 1;
        final int table_catalog  = 2;
        final int table_schema   = 3;
        final int table_name     = 4;
        final int privilege_type = 5;
        final int is_grantable   = 6;
        final int with_hierarchy = 7;
        OrderedHashSet grantees =

        tables = allTables();

        while (tables.hasNext()) {
            table        = (Table);
            tableName    = table.getName().name;
            tableCatalog = table.getCatalogName().name;
            tableSchema  = table.getSchemaName().name;

            for (int i = 0; i < grantees.size(); i++) {
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        PersistentStore store = database.persistentStoreCollection.getStore(t);

        // intermediate holders
        Iterator  tables;
        Table     table;
        Object[]  row;
        final int table_catalog                = 0;
        final int table_schema                 = 1;
        final int table_name                   = 2;
        final int table_type                   = 3;
        final int self_referencing_column_name = 4;
        final int reference_generation         = 5;
        final int user_defined_type_catalog    = 6;
        final int user_defined_type_schema     = 7;
        final int user_defined_type_name       = 8;
        final int is_insertable_into           = 9;
        final int is_typed                     = 10;
        final int commit_action                = 11;

        // Initialization
        tables = allTables();

        // Do it.
        while (tables.hasNext()) {
            table = (Table);

            if (!isAccessibleTable(table)) {
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Related Classes of org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.Iterator

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