Package org.hsqldb_voltpatches

Examples of org.hsqldb_voltpatches.Table

            Iterator tables =

            while (tables.hasNext()) {
                Table t = (Table);

                // write all memory table data
                // write cached table data unless index roots have been written
                // write all text table data apart from readonly text tables
                // unless index roots have been written
                boolean script = false;

                switch (t.getTableType()) {

                    case TableBase.MEMORY_TABLE :
                        script = true;

                    case TableBase.CACHED_TABLE :
                        script = includeCachedData;

                    case TableBase.TEXT_TABLE :
                        script = includeCachedData && !t.isReadOnly();

                try {
                    if (script) {
                        schemaToLog = t.getName().schema;


                        RowIterator it = t.rowIterator(currentSession);

                        while (it.hasNext()) {
                            writeRow(currentSession, t,
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            if (s == null) {

            String          schema = session.getSchemaName(currentSchema);
            Table t = db.schemaManager.getUserTable(session, s, schema);
            PersistentStore store  = db.persistentStoreCollection.getStore(t);
            int             j      = 0;

            for (j = 0; ; j++) {
                if (!readRow(store, t)) {
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    protected final void cacheClear() {

        int i = sysTables.length;

        while (i-- > 0) {
            Table t = sysTables[i];

            if (t != null) {

            sysTableSessions[i] = null;
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     * @param tableIndex int value identifying the system table to generate
     * @return the system table corresponding to the specified tableIndex value
    protected Table generateTable(int tableIndex) {

        Table t = sysTables[tableIndex];

//        Please note that this class produces non-null tables for
//        just those absolutely essential to the JDBC 1 spec and the
//        HSQLDB core.  Also, all table producing methods except
//        SYSTEM_PROCEDURES() and SYSTEM_PROCEDURECOLUMNS() are declared final;
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        ns = new DINameSpace(database);
        pi = new DIProcedureInfo(ns);

        // flag the Session-dependent cached tables
        Table t;

        for (int i = 0; i < sysTables.length; i++) {
            t = sysTables[i] = generateTable(i);

            if (t != null) {

        GranteeManager gm    = database.getGranteeManager();
        Right          right = new Right();
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     * @return a new system table
     * @param name of the table
    protected final Table createBlankTable(HsqlName name) {

        Table table = new Table(database, name, TableBase.SYSTEM_TABLE);

        return table;
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     * @return a system table corresponding to the <code>name</code> and
     *      <code>session</code> arguments
    public final Table getSystemTable(Session session, String name) {

        Table t;
        int   tableIndex;

        // must come first...many methods depend on this being set properly
        this.session = session;

        if (!isSystemTable(name)) {
            return null;

        tableIndex = getSysTableID(name);
        t          = sysTables[tableIndex];

        // fredt - any system table that is not supported will be null here
        if (t == null) {
            return t;

        // At the time of opening the database, no content is needed
        // at present.  However, table structure is required at this
        // point to allow processing logged View defn's against system
        // tables.  Returning tables without content speeds the database
        // open phase under such cases.
        if (!withContent) {
            return t;

        if (isDirty) {

        HsqlName oldUser    = sysTableSessions[tableIndex];
        boolean  tableValid = oldUser != null;

        // user has changed and table is user-dependent
        if (session.getGrantee().getName() != oldUser
                && sysTableSessionDependent[tableIndex]) {
            tableValid = false;

        if (nonCachedTablesSet.contains(name)) {
            tableValid = false;

        // any valid cached table will be returned here
        if (tableValid) {
            return t;

        // fredt - clear the contents of table and set new User

        sysTableSessions[tableIndex] = session.getGrantee().getName();

        // match and if found, generate.
        t = generateTable(tableIndex);
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     * set of visible columns that uniquely identifies a row
     * for each accessible table defined within this database

        Table t = sysTables[SYSTEM_BESTROWIDENTIFIER];

        if (t == null) {
            t = createBlankTable(sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_BESTROWIDENTIFIER]);

            addColumn(t, "SCOPE", Type.SQL_SMALLINT);            // not null
            addColumn(t, "COLUMN_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);         // not null
            addColumn(t, "DATA_TYPE", Type.SQL_SMALLINT);        // not null
            addColumn(t, "TYPE_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);           // not null
            addColumn(t, "COLUMN_SIZE", Type.SQL_INTEGER);
            addColumn(t, "BUFFER_LENGTH", Type.SQL_INTEGER);
            addColumn(t, "DECIMAL_DIGITS", Type.SQL_SMALLINT);
            addColumn(t, "PSEUDO_COLUMN", Type.SQL_SMALLINT);    // not null
            addColumn(t, "TABLE_CAT", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "TABLE_SCHEM", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "TABLE_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);          // not null
            addColumn(t, "NULLABLE", Type.SQL_SMALLINT);         // not null
            addColumn(t, "IN_KEY", Type.SQL_BOOLEAN);            // not null

            // order: SCOPE
            // for unique:  TABLE_CAT, TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME
            // false PK, as TABLE_CAT and/or TABLE_SCHEM may be null
            HsqlName name = HsqlNameManager.newInfoSchemaObjectName(
                sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_BESTROWIDENTIFIER].name, false,

            t.createPrimaryKey(name, new int[] {
                0, 8, 9, 10, 1
            }, false);

            return t;

        PersistentStore store = database.persistentStoreCollection.getStore(t);

        // calculated column values
        Integer scope;           // { temp, transaction, session }
        Integer pseudo;

        // required for restriction of results via
        // DatabaseMetaData filter parameters, but
        // not actually required to be included in
        // DatabaseMetaData.getBestRowIdentifier()
        // result set
        String  tableCatalog;    // table calalog
        String  tableSchema;     // table schema
        String  tableName;       // table name
        Boolean inKey;           // column participates in PK or AK?


         * @todo -  Maybe include: - backing index (constraint) name?
         *       - column sequence in index (constraint)?
        // Intermediate holders
        Iterator       tables;
        Table          table;
        DITableInfo    ti;
        int[]          cols;
        Object[]       row;
        HsqlProperties p;

        // Column number mappings
        final int iscope          = 0;
        final int icolumn_name    = 1;
        final int idata_type      = 2;
        final int itype_name      = 3;
        final int icolumn_size    = 4;
        final int ibuffer_length  = 5;
        final int idecimal_digits = 6;
        final int ipseudo_column  = 7;
        final int itable_cat      = 8;
        final int itable_schem    = 9;
        final int itable_name     = 10;
        final int inullable       = 11;
        final int iinKey          = 12;

        // Initialization
        ti = new DITableInfo();
        tables =

        // Do it.
        while (tables.hasNext()) {
            table = (Table);

            /** @todo - requires access to the actual columns */
            if (table.isView() || !isAccessibleTable(table)) {

            cols = table.getBestRowIdentifiers();

            if (cols == null) {


            inKey = ValuePool.getBoolean(table.isBestRowIdentifiersStrict());
            tableCatalog = table.getCatalogName().name;
            tableSchema  = table.getSchemaName().name;
            tableName    = table.getName().name;

            Type[] types = table.getColumnTypes();

            scope  = ti.getBRIScope();
            pseudo = ti.getBRIPseudo();

            for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
                ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(i);

                row                  = t.getEmptyRowData();
                row[iscope]          = scope;
                row[icolumn_name]    = column.getName().name;
                row[idata_type] = ValuePool.getInt(types[i].getJDBCTypeCode());
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     *        visible columns of all accessible
     *        tables defined within this database.<p>
    final Table SYSTEM_COLUMNS() {

        Table t = sysTables[SYSTEM_COLUMNS];

        if (t == null) {
            t = createBlankTable(sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_COLUMNS]);

            addColumn(t, "TABLE_CAT", SQL_IDENTIFIER);              // 0
            addColumn(t, "TABLE_SCHEM", SQL_IDENTIFIER);            // 1
            addColumn(t, "TABLE_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);             // not null
            addColumn(t, "COLUMN_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);            // not null
            addColumn(t, "DATA_TYPE", Type.SQL_SMALLINT);           // not null
            addColumn(t, "TYPE_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);              // not null
            addColumn(t, "COLUMN_SIZE", Type.SQL_INTEGER);          // 6
            addColumn(t, "BUFFER_LENGTH", Type.SQL_INTEGER);        // 7
            addColumn(t, "DECIMAL_DIGITS", Type.SQL_INTEGER);       // 8
            addColumn(t, "NUM_PREC_RADIX", Type.SQL_INTEGER);       // 9
            addColumn(t, "NULLABLE", Type.SQL_INTEGER);             // not null
            addColumn(t, "REMARKS", CHARACTER_DATA);                // 11
            addColumn(t, "COLUMN_DEF", CHARACTER_DATA);             // 12
            addColumn(t, "SQL_DATA_TYPE", Type.SQL_INTEGER);        // 13
            addColumn(t, "SQL_DATETIME_SUB", Type.SQL_INTEGER);     // 14
            addColumn(t, "CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH", Type.SQL_INTEGER);    // 15
            addColumn(t, "ORDINAL_POSITION", Type.SQL_INTEGER);     // not null
            addColumn(t, "IS_NULLABLE", YES_OR_NO);                 // not null
            addColumn(t, "SCOPE_CATLOG", SQL_IDENTIFIER);           // 18
            addColumn(t, "SCOPE_SCHEMA", SQL_IDENTIFIER);           // 19
            addColumn(t, "SCOPE_TABLE", SQL_IDENTIFIER);            // 20
            addColumn(t, "SOURCE_DATA_TYPE", SQL_IDENTIFIER);       // 21

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // JDBC 4.0 - added Mustang b86
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            addColumn(t, "IS_AUTOINCREMENT", Type.SQL_BOOLEAN);     // not null

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // HSQLDB-specific
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            addColumn(t, "TYPE_SUB", Type.SQL_INTEGER);             // not null

            // added for unique: TABLE_CAT
            // false PK, as TABLE_SCHEM and/or TABLE_CAT may be null
            HsqlName name = HsqlNameManager.newInfoSchemaObjectName(
                sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_COLUMNS].name, false,

            t.createPrimaryKey(name, new int[] {
                0, 1, 2, 16
            }, false);

            return t;

        PersistentStore store = database.persistentStoreCollection.getStore(t);

        // calculated column values
        String tableCatalog;
        String tableSchema;
        String tableName;

        // intermediate holders
        int         columnCount;
        Iterator    tables;
        Table       table;
        Object[]    row;
        DITableInfo ti;

        // column number mappings
        final int itable_cat         = 0;
        final int itable_schem       = 1;
        final int itable_name        = 2;
        final int icolumn_name       = 3;
        final int idata_type         = 4;
        final int itype_name         = 5;
        final int icolumn_size       = 6;
        final int ibuffer_length     = 7;
        final int idecimal_digits    = 8;
        final int inum_prec_radix    = 9;
        final int inullable          = 10;
        final int iremark            = 11;
        final int icolumn_def        = 12;
        final int isql_data_type     = 13;
        final int isql_datetime_sub  = 14;
        final int ichar_octet_length = 15;
        final int iordinal_position  = 16;
        final int iis_nullable       = 17;
        final int iscope_cat         = 18;
        final int iscope_schem       = 19;
        final int iscope_table       = 20;
        final int isrc_data_type     = 21;

        // JDBC 4.0
        final int iis_autoinc = 22;

        // HSQLDB-specific
        final int itype_sub = 23;

        // Initialization
        tables = allTables();
        ti     = new DITableInfo();

        // Do it.
        while (tables.hasNext()) {
            table = (Table);

            /** @todo - requires access to the actual columns */
            if (!isAccessibleTable(table)) {


            tableCatalog = table.getCatalogName().name;
            tableSchema  = table.getSchemaName().name;
            tableName    = ti.getName();
            columnCount  = table.getColumnCount();

            Type[] types = table.getColumnTypes();

            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(i);

                row = t.getEmptyRowData();

                row[itable_cat]         = tableCatalog;
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     *      import other accessible tables' primary key and/or unique
     *      constraint columns

        Table t = sysTables[SYSTEM_CROSSREFERENCE];

        if (t == null) {
            t = createBlankTable(sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_CROSSREFERENCE]);

            addColumn(t, "PKTABLE_CAT", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "PKTABLE_SCHEM", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "PKTABLE_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);        // not null
            addColumn(t, "PKCOLUMN_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);       // not null
            addColumn(t, "FKTABLE_CAT", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "FKTABLE_SCHEM", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "FKTABLE_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);        // not null
            addColumn(t, "FKCOLUMN_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);       // not null
            addColumn(t, "KEY_SEQ", Type.SQL_SMALLINT);          // not null
            addColumn(t, "UPDATE_RULE", Type.SQL_SMALLINT);      // not null
            addColumn(t, "DELETE_RULE", Type.SQL_SMALLINT);      // not null
            addColumn(t, "FK_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "PK_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "DEFERRABILITY", Type.SQL_SMALLINT);    // not null

            // added for unique: FK_NAME
            // false PK, as FKTABLE_CAT, FKTABLE_SCHEM and/or FK_NAME
            // may be null
            HsqlName name = HsqlNameManager.newInfoSchemaObjectName(
                sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_CROSSREFERENCE].name, false,

            t.createPrimaryKey(name, new int[] {
                4, 5, 6, 8, 11
            }, false);

            return t;

        PersistentStore store = database.persistentStoreCollection.getStore(t);

        // calculated column values
        String  pkTableCatalog;
        String  pkTableSchema;
        String  pkTableName;
        String  pkColumnName;
        String  fkTableCatalog;
        String  fkTableSchema;
        String  fkTableName;
        String  fkColumnName;
        Integer keySequence;
        Integer updateRule;
        Integer deleteRule;
        String  fkName;
        String  pkName;
        Integer deferrability;

        // Intermediate holders
        Iterator      tables;
        Table         table;
        Table         fkTable;
        Table         pkTable;
        int           columnCount;
        int[]         mainCols;
        int[]         refCols;
        Constraint[]  constraints;
        Constraint    constraint;
        int           constraintCount;
        HsqlArrayList fkConstraintsList;
        Object[]      row;
        DITableInfo   pkInfo;
        DITableInfo   fkInfo;

        // column number mappings
        final int ipk_table_cat   = 0;
        final int ipk_table_schem = 1;
        final int ipk_table_name  = 2;
        final int ipk_column_name = 3;
        final int ifk_table_cat   = 4;
        final int ifk_table_schem = 5;
        final int ifk_table_name  = 6;
        final int ifk_column_name = 7;
        final int ikey_seq        = 8;
        final int iupdate_rule    = 9;
        final int idelete_rule    = 10;
        final int ifk_name        = 11;
        final int ipk_name        = 12;
        final int ideferrability  = 13;

        tables =
        pkInfo = new DITableInfo();
        fkInfo = new DITableInfo();

        // We must consider all the constraints in all the user tables, since
        // this is where reference relationships are recorded.  However, we
        // are only concerned with Constraint.FOREIGN_KEY constraints here
        // because their corresponing Constraint.MAIN entries are essentially
        // duplicate data recorded in the referenced rather than the
        // referencing table.  Also, we skip constraints where either
        // the referenced, referencing or both tables are not accessible
        // relative to the session of the calling context
        fkConstraintsList = new HsqlArrayList();

        while (tables.hasNext()) {
            table = (Table);

            if (table.isView() || !isAccessibleTable(table)) {

            constraints     = table.getConstraints();
            constraintCount = constraints.length;

            for (int i = 0; i < constraintCount; i++) {
                constraint = (Constraint) constraints[i];

                if (constraint.getConstraintType() == Constraint.FOREIGN_KEY
                        && isAccessibleTable(constraint.getRef())) {

        // Now that we have all of the desired constraints, we need to
        // process them, generating one row in our ouput table for each
        // imported/exported column pair of each constraint.
        // Do it.
        for (int i = 0; i < fkConstraintsList.size(); i++) {
            constraint = (Constraint) fkConstraintsList.get(i);
            pkTable    = constraint.getMain();


            pkTableName = pkInfo.getName();
            fkTable     = constraint.getRef();


            fkTableName    = fkInfo.getName();
            pkTableCatalog = pkTable.getCatalogName().name;
            pkTableSchema  = pkTable.getSchemaName().name;
            fkTableCatalog = fkTable.getCatalogName().name;
            fkTableSchema  = fkTable.getSchemaName().name;
            mainCols       = constraint.getMainColumns();
            refCols        = constraint.getRefColumns();
            columnCount    = refCols.length;
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Related Classes of org.hsqldb_voltpatches.Table

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