Package org.hsqldb.persist

Examples of org.hsqldb.persist.HsqlProperties

    public static HsqlProperties parseURL(String url, boolean hasPrefix,
                                          boolean noPath) {

        String         urlImage   = url.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
        HsqlProperties props      = new HsqlProperties();
        HsqlProperties extraProps = null;
        String         arguments  = null;
        int            pos        = 0;
        String         type       = null;
        int            port       = 0;
        String         database;
        String         path;
        boolean        isNetwork = false;

        if (hasPrefix) {
            if (urlImage.startsWith(S_URL_PREFIX)) {
                pos = S_URL_PREFIX.length();
            } else {
                return props;

        while (true) {
            int replacePos = url.indexOf("${");

            if (replacePos == -1) {

            int endPos = url.indexOf("}", replacePos);

            if (endPos == -1) {

            String varName  = url.substring(replacePos + 2, endPos);
            String varValue = null;

            try {
                varValue = System.getProperty(varName);
            } catch (SecurityException e) {}

            if (varValue == null) {

            url = url.substring(0, replacePos) + varValue
                  + url.substring(endPos + 1);
            urlImage = url.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);

        props.setProperty("url", url);

        int postUrlPos = url.length();

        // postUrlPos is the END position in url String,
        // wrt what remains to be processed.
        // I.e., if postUrlPos is 100, url no longer needs to examined at
        // index 100 or later.
        int semiPos = url.indexOf(';', pos);

        if (semiPos > -1) {
            arguments  = url.substring(semiPos + 1, urlImage.length());
            postUrlPos = semiPos;
            extraProps = HsqlProperties.delimitedArgPairsToProps(arguments,
                    "=", ";", null);

            // validity checks are performed by engine

        if (postUrlPos == pos + 1 && urlImage.startsWith(S_DOT, pos)) {
            type = S_DOT;
        } else if (urlImage.startsWith(S_MEM, pos)) {
            type = S_MEM;
        } else if (urlImage.startsWith(S_FILE, pos)) {
            type = S_FILE;
        } else if (urlImage.startsWith(S_RES, pos)) {
            type = S_RES;
        } else if (urlImage.startsWith(S_ALIAS, pos)) {
            type = S_ALIAS;
        } else if (urlImage.startsWith(S_HSQL, pos)) {
            type      = S_HSQL;
            port      = ServerConstants.SC_DEFAULT_HSQL_SERVER_PORT;
            isNetwork = true;
        } else if (urlImage.startsWith(S_HSQLS, pos)) {
            type      = S_HSQLS;
            port      = ServerConstants.SC_DEFAULT_HSQLS_SERVER_PORT;
            isNetwork = true;
        } else if (urlImage.startsWith(S_HTTP, pos)) {
            type      = S_HTTP;
            port      = ServerConstants.SC_DEFAULT_HTTP_SERVER_PORT;
            isNetwork = true;
        } else if (urlImage.startsWith(S_HTTPS, pos)) {
            type      = S_HTTPS;
            port      = ServerConstants.SC_DEFAULT_HTTPS_SERVER_PORT;
            isNetwork = true;

        if (type == null) {
            type = S_FILE;
        } else if (type == S_DOT) {
            type = S_MEM;

            // keep pos
        } else {
            pos += type.length();

        props.setProperty("connection_type", type);

        if (isNetwork) {

            // First capture 3 segments:  host + port + path
            String pathSeg = null;
            String hostSeg = null;
            String portSeg = null;
            int    endPos  = url.indexOf('/', pos);

            if (endPos > 0 && endPos < postUrlPos) {
                pathSeg = url.substring(endPos, postUrlPos);

                // N.b. pathSeg necessarily begins with /.
            } else {
                endPos = postUrlPos;

            // Processing different for ipv6 host address and all others:
            if (url.charAt(pos) == '[') {

                // ipv6
                int endIpv6 = url.indexOf(']', pos + 2);

                // Notice 2 instead of 1 to require non-empty addr segment
                if (endIpv6 < 0 || endIpv6 >= endPos) {
                    return null;

                    // Wish could throw something with a useful message for user
                    // here.

                hostSeg = urlImage.substring(pos + 1, endIpv6);

                if (endPos > endIpv6 + 1) {
                    portSeg = url.substring(endIpv6 + 1, endPos);
            } else {

                // non-ipv6
                int colPos = url.indexOf(':', pos + 1);

                if (colPos > -1 && colPos < endPos) {

                    // portSeg will be non-empty, but could contain just ":"
                    portSeg = url.substring(colPos, endPos);
                } else {
                    colPos = -1;

                hostSeg = urlImage.substring(pos, (colPos > 0) ? colPos
                                                               : endPos);

            // At this point, the entire url has been parsed into
            // hostSeg + portSeg + pathSeg.
            if (portSeg != null) {
                if (portSeg.length() < 2 || portSeg.charAt(0) != ':') {

                    // Wish could throw something with a useful message for user
                    // here.
                    return null;

                try {
                    port = Integer.parseInt(portSeg.substring(1));
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {

                    // System.err.println("NFE for (" + portSeg + ')'); debug
                    return null;

            if (noPath) {
                path     = "";
                database = pathSeg;
            } else if (pathSeg == null) {
                path     = "/";
                database = "";
            } else {
                int lastSlashPos = pathSeg.lastIndexOf('/');

                if (lastSlashPos < 1) {
                    path = "/";
                    database =
                } else {
                    path     = pathSeg.substring(0, lastSlashPos);
                    database = pathSeg.substring(lastSlashPos + 1);

            /* Just for debug.  Remove once stable:
            System.err.println("Host seg (" + hostSeg + "), Port val (" + port
                    + "), Path val (" + pathSeg + "), path (" + path
                    + "), db (" + database + ')');
            props.setProperty("port", port);
            props.setProperty("host", hostSeg);
            props.setProperty("path", path);

            if (!noPath && extraProps != null) {
                String filePath = extraProps.getProperty("filepath");

                if (filePath != null && database.length() != 0) {
                    database += ";" + filePath;
                } else {
                    if (url.indexOf(S_MEM) == postUrlPos + 1
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        Iterator       tables;
        Table          table;
        DITableInfo    ti;
        int[]          cols;
        Object[]       row;
        HsqlProperties p;

        // Column number mappings
        final int iscope          = 0;
        final int icolumn_name    = 1;
        final int idata_type      = 2;
        final int itype_name      = 3;
        final int icolumn_size    = 4;
        final int ibuffer_length  = 5;
        final int idecimal_digits = 6;
        final int ipseudo_column  = 7;
        final int itable_cat      = 8;
        final int itable_schem    = 9;
        final int itable_name     = 10;
        final int inullable       = 11;
        final int iinKey          = 12;

        // Initialization
        ti     = new DITableInfo();
        p      = database.getProperties();
        tables = p.isPropertyTrue("hsqldb.system_table_bri") ? allTables()
                                                             : database

        // Do it.
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        int[]          cols;
        int            col;
        int            colCount;
        Object[]       row;
        DITableInfo    ti;
        HsqlProperties p;

        // column number mappings
        final int itable_cat        = 0;
        final int itable_schem      = 1;
        final int itable_name       = 2;
        final int inon_unique       = 3;
        final int iindex_qualifier  = 4;
        final int iindex_name       = 5;
        final int itype             = 6;
        final int iordinal_position = 7;
        final int icolumn_name      = 8;
        final int iasc_or_desc      = 9;
        final int icardinality      = 10;
        final int ipages            = 11;
        final int ifilter_condition = 12;
        final int irow_cardinality  = 13;

        // Initialization
        ti = new DITableInfo();
        p  = database.getProperties();
        tables = p.isPropertyTrue("hsqldb.system_table_indexinfo")
                 ? allTables()
                 : database.schemaManager.allTablesIterator();

        // Do it.
        while (tables.hasNext()) {
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        Table          table;
        Object[]       row;
        Constraint     constraint;
        int[]          cols;
        int            colCount;
        HsqlProperties p;

        // column number mappings
        final int itable_cat   = 0;
        final int itable_schem = 1;
        final int itable_name  = 2;
        final int icolumn_name = 3;
        final int ikey_seq     = 4;
        final int ipk_name     = 5;

        // Initialization
        p = database.getProperties();
        tables = p.isPropertyTrue("hsqldb.system_table_primarykeys")
                 ? allTables()
                 : database.schemaManager.allTablesIterator();

        while (tables.hasNext()) {
            table = (Table);
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        try {
            sStatement  = null;
            cConnection = null;

            HsqlProperties props      = new HsqlProperties(filepath);
            boolean        fileexists = props.checkFileExists();

            if (!network && !fileexists == false) {
                jdbcDataSource dataSource = new jdbcDataSource();

                dataSource.setDatabase(url + filepath);

                cConnection = dataSource.getConnection(user, password);
                sStatement  = cConnection.createStatement();

                sStatement.execute("SET SCRIPTFORMAT " + logType);
                sStatement.execute("SET LOGSIZE " + 400);
                sStatement.execute("SET WRITE_DELAY " + writeDelay);
                props.setProperty("hsqldb.cache_scale", "" + cacheScale);

                cConnection = dataSource.getConnection(user, password);
                sStatement  = cConnection.createStatement();
        } catch (Exception e) {
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        if (!dbStr.equals(".") && "true".equalsIgnoreCase(useWebInfStr)) {
            dbStr = getServletContext().getRealPath("/") + "WEB-INF" + dbStr;

// end WEB-INF patch
        HsqlProperties dbURL = DatabaseURL.parseURL(dbStr, false);

        log("Database filename = " + dbStr);

        if (dbURL == null) {
            errorStr = "Bad Database name";
        } else {
            dbPath = dbURL.getProperty("database");
            dbType = dbURL.getProperty("connection_type");

            try {

// loosecannon1@users 1.7.2 patch properties on the JDBC URL
                DatabaseManager.getDatabase(dbType, dbPath, dbURL);
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                if (resultIn.mode == ResultConstants.SQLCONNECT) {
                    try {
                        Session session = DatabaseManager.newSession(dbType,
                            dbPath, resultIn.getMainString(),
                            resultIn.getSubString(), new HsqlProperties());

                        resultOut = new Result(ResultConstants.UPDATECOUNT);
                        resultOut.sessionID = session.getId();
                    } catch (HsqlException e) {
                        resultOut = new Result(e, null);
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        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(path)) {
            return null;

        HsqlProperties p = new HsqlProperties(path);

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {}

        return p;
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     * @return a new default properties object
    public static HsqlProperties newDefaultProperties(int protocol) {

        HsqlProperties p = new HsqlProperties();

        p.setProperty(SC_KEY_ADDRESS, SC_DEFAULT_ADDRESS);

        boolean isTls = SC_DEFAULT_TLS;

        try {
            isTls = System.getProperty("") != null;
        } catch (Exception e) {}

        p.setProperty(SC_KEY_PORT, getDefaultPort(protocol, isTls));
        p.setProperty(SC_KEY_SILENT, SC_DEFAULT_SILENT);
        p.setProperty(SC_KEY_TLS, isTls);
        p.setProperty(SC_KEY_TRACE, SC_DEFAULT_TRACE);
        p.setProperty(SC_KEY_WEB_ROOT, SC_DEFAULT_WEB_ROOT);

        return p;
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    private HsqlServerFactory() {}

    public static HsqlSocketRequestHandler createHsqlServer(String dbFilePath,
            boolean debugMessages, boolean silentMode) throws SQLException {

        HsqlProperties props = new HsqlProperties();

        props.setProperty("server.database.0", dbFilePath);
        props.setProperty("server.trace", debugMessages);
        props.setProperty("server.silent", silentMode);

        Server server = new Server();

        try {
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Related Classes of org.hsqldb.persist.HsqlProperties

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