Package org.hsqldb.lib

Examples of org.hsqldb.lib.HashMappedList


    static HashMappedList processColumnList(Tokenizer tokenizer,
            boolean acceptAscDesc) throws HsqlException {

        HashMappedList list;
        String         token;

        list = new HashMappedList();


        while (true) {
            token = tokenizer.getSimpleName();

            boolean result = list.add(token, null);

            if (!result) {
                throw Trace.error(Trace.COLUMN_ALREADY_EXISTS, token);
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        tableType       = type;
        tableName       = name;
        primaryKeyCols  = null;
        primaryKeyTypes = null;
        identityColumn  = -1;
        columnList      = new HashMappedList();
        indexList       = new Index[0];
        constraintList  = new Constraint[0];
        triggerLists    = new HsqlArrayList[TriggerDef.NUM_TRIGS];

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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                                   || c.getDeleteAction()
                                      == Constraint.SET_DEFAULT;

                // -- list for records to be inserted if this is
                // -- a 'ON DELETE SET [NULL|DEFAULT]' constraint
                HashMappedList rowSet = null;

                if (isUpdate) {
                    rowSet = (HashMappedList) tableUpdateLists.get(reftable);

                    if (rowSet == null) {
                        rowSet = new HashMappedList();

                        tableUpdateLists.add(reftable, rowSet);
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                boolean hasref =
                    reftable.getNextConstraintIndex(0, Constraint.MAIN) != -1;
                Index refindex = c.getRefIndex();

                // -- walk the index for all the nodes that reference update node
                HashMappedList rowSet =
                    (HashMappedList) tableUpdateLists.get(reftable);

                if (rowSet == null) {
                    rowSet = new HashMappedList();

                    tableUpdateLists.add(reftable, rowSet);

                for (Row refrow =; ;
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    static void clearUpdateLists(HashMappedList tableUpdateList) {

        for (int i = 0; i < tableUpdateList.size(); i++) {
            HashMappedList updateList =
                (HashMappedList) tableUpdateList.get(i);

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        HashSet path = constraintPath == null ? new HashSet()
                                              : constraintPath;

        constraintPath = null;

        HashMappedList tUpdateList = tableUpdateList == null
                                     ? new HashMappedList()
                                     : tableUpdateList;

        tableUpdateList = null;

        if (database.isReferentialIntegrity()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < deleteList.size(); i++) {
                Row row = (Row) deleteList.get(i);

                checkCascadeDelete(session, this, tUpdateList, row, false,

        // check transactions
        database.txManager.checkDelete(session, deleteList);

        for (int i = 0; i < tUpdateList.size(); i++) {
            Table          table      = (Table) tUpdateList.getKey(i);
            HashMappedList updateList = (HashMappedList) tUpdateList.get(i);

            database.txManager.checkDelete(session, updateList);

        // perform delete
        fireAll(session, Trigger.DELETE_BEFORE);

        if (database.isReferentialIntegrity()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < deleteList.size(); i++) {
                Row row = (Row) deleteList.get(i);

                checkCascadeDelete(session, this, tUpdateList, row, true,

        for (int i = 0; i < deleteList.size(); i++) {
            Row row = (Row) deleteList.get(i);

            if (!row.isCascadeDeleted()) {
                deleteNoRefCheck(session, row);

        for (int i = 0; i < tUpdateList.size(); i++) {
            Table          table      = (Table) tUpdateList.getKey(i);
            HashMappedList updateList = (HashMappedList) tUpdateList.get(i);

            table.updateRowSet(session, updateList, null, false);

        fireAll(session, Trigger.DELETE_AFTER);
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        HashSet path = constraintPath == null ? new HashSet()
                                              : constraintPath;

        constraintPath = null;

        HashMappedList tUpdateList = tableUpdateList == null
                                     ? new HashMappedList()
                                     : tableUpdateList;

        tableUpdateList = null;

        // set identity column where null and check columns
        for (int i = 0; i < updateList.size(); i++) {
            Object[] data = (Object[]) updateList.get(i);

            // this means the identity column can be set to null to force
            // creation of a new identity value
            setIdentityColumn(session, data);
            enforceFieldValueLimits(data, cols);

        // perform check/cascade operations
        if (database.isReferentialIntegrity()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < updateList.size(); i++) {
                Object[] data = (Object[]) updateList.get(i);
                Row      row  = (Row) updateList.getKey(i);

                checkCascadeUpdate(session, this, tUpdateList, row, data,
                                   cols, null, path);

        fireAll(session, Trigger.UPDATE_BEFORE);

        // merge any triggered change to this table with the update list
        HashMappedList triggeredList = (HashMappedList) tUpdateList.get(this);

        if (triggeredList != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < triggeredList.size(); i++) {
                Row      row  = (Row) triggeredList.getKey(i);
                Object[] data = (Object[]) triggeredList.get(i);

                mergeKeepUpdate(session, updateList, cols, colTypes, row,


        // check transactions
        for (int i = 0; i < tUpdateList.size(); i++) {
            Table          table       = (Table) tUpdateList.getKey(i);
            HashMappedList updateListT = (HashMappedList) tUpdateList.get(i);

            database.txManager.checkDelete(session, updateListT);

        database.txManager.checkDelete(session, updateList);

        // update lists - main list last
        for (int i = 0; i < tUpdateList.size(); i++) {
            Table          table       = (Table) tUpdateList.getKey(i);
            HashMappedList updateListT = (HashMappedList) tUpdateList.get(i);

            table.updateRowSet(session, updateListT, null, false);

        updateRowSet(session, updateList, cols, true);
        fireAll(session, Trigger.UPDATE_AFTER);
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        // type may have changed above for CACHED tables
        tableType         = type;
        primaryKeyCols    = null;
        primaryKeyTypes   = null;
        identityColumn    = -1;
        columnList        = new HashMappedList();
        indexList         = Index.emptyArray;
        constraintList    = Constraint.emptyArray;
        fkConstraints     = Constraint.emptyArray;
        fkMainConstraints = Constraint.emptyArray;
        checkConstraints  = Constraint.emptyArray;
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        if (!collation.isDefaultCollation()) {

        HashMappedList lobTables =

        for (int i = 0; i < lobTables.size(); i++) {
            Table table = (Table) lobTables.get(i);

            if (table.isCached()) {
                sb.append(Tokens.T_SET).append(' ').append(Tokens.T_TABLE);
                sb.append(' ');
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    void createResultTable(Session session) {

        HsqlName       tableName;
        HashMappedList columnList;
        int            tableType;

        tableName = session.database.nameManager.getSubqueryTableName();
        tableType = persistenceScope == TableBase.SCOPE_STATEMENT
                    ? TableBase.SYSTEM_SUBQUERY
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Related Classes of org.hsqldb.lib.HashMappedList

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