Package org.hsqldb

Examples of org.hsqldb.ColumnSchema

                                        (Table) ((StatementSchema) cs)

                                    for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount();
                                            i++) {
                                        ColumnSchema column =

                                        if (column.getDataType().isBitType()) {
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    protected final void addColumn(Table t, String name, Type type) {

        HsqlName     cn;
        ColumnSchema c;

        cn = database.nameManager.newInfoSchemaColumnName(name, t.getName());
        c  = new ColumnSchema(cn, type, true, false, null);

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            scope  = ti.getBRIScope();
            pseudo = ti.getBRIPseudo();

            for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
                ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(i);
                Type         type   = types[i];

                if (translateTTI) {
                    if (type.isIntervalType()) {
                        type = ((IntervalType) type).getCharacterType();
                    } else if (type.isDateTimeTypeWithZone()) {
                        type = ((DateTimeType) type)

                row                 = t.getEmptyRowData();
                row[iscope]         = scope;
                row[icolumn_name]   = column.getName().name;
                row[idata_type]     = ValuePool.getInt(type.getJDBCTypeCode());
                row[itype_name]     = type.getNameString();
                row[icolumn_size] = ValuePool.getInt(type.getJDBCPrecision());
                row[ibuffer_length] = null;
                row[idecimal_digits] = type.acceptsScale()
                                       ? ValuePool.getInt(type.getJDBCScale())
                                       : null;
                row[ipseudo_column] = pseudo;
                row[itable_cat]     = tableCatalog;
                row[itable_schem]   = tableSchema;
                row[itable_name]    = tableName;
                row[inullable] = ValuePool.getInt(column.getNullability());
                row[iinKey]         = inKey;

                t.insertSys(session, store, row);
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            tableSchema  = table.getSchemaName().name;
            tableName    = table.getName().name;
            columnCount  = table.getColumnCount();

            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(i);
                Type         type   = column.getDataType();

                if (translateTTI) {
                    if (type.isIntervalType()) {
                        type = ((IntervalType) type).getCharacterType();
                    } else if (type.isDateTimeTypeWithZone()) {
                        type = ((DateTimeType) type)

                row = t.getEmptyRowData();

                row[itable_cat]         = tableCatalog;
                row[itable_schem]       = tableSchema;
                row[itable_name]        = tableName;
                row[icolumn_name]       = column.getName().name;
                row[idata_type] = ValuePool.getInt(type.getJDBCTypeCode());
                row[itype_name]         = type.getNameString();
                row[icolumn_size]       = ValuePool.INTEGER_0;
                row[ichar_octet_length] = ValuePool.INTEGER_0;

                if (type.isArrayType()) {
                    row[itype_name] = type.getDefinition();

                if (type.isCharacterType()) {
                    row[icolumn_size] =

                    // this is length not octet_length, for character columns
                    row[ichar_octet_length] =

                if (type.isBinaryType()) {
                    row[icolumn_size] =
                    row[ichar_octet_length] =

                if (type.isNumberType()) {
                    row[icolumn_size] = ValuePool.getInt(
                        ((NumberType) type).getNumericPrecisionInRadix());
                    row[inum_prec_radix] =

                    if (type.isExactNumberType()) {
                        row[idecimal_digits] = ValuePool.getLong(type.scale);

                if (type.isDateTimeType()) {
                    int size = (int) column.getDataType().displaySize();

                    row[icolumn_size] = ValuePool.getInt(size);
                    row[isql_datetime_sub] = ValuePool.getInt(
                        ((DateTimeType) type).getSqlDateTimeSub());

                row[inullable] = ValuePool.getInt(column.getNullability());
                row[iremark]           = ti.getColRemarks(i);
                row[icolumn_def]       = column.getDefaultSQL();
                row[isql_data_type]    = ValuePool.getInt(type.typeCode);
                row[iordinal_position] = ValuePool.getInt(i + 1);
                row[iis_nullable]      = column.isNullable() ? "YES"
                                                             : "NO";

                if (type.isDistinctType()) {
                    row[isource_data_type] =

                // JDBC 4.0
                row[iis_autoinc]   = column.isIdentity() ? "YES"
                                                         : "NO";
                row[iis_generated] = column.isGenerated() ? "YES"
                                                          : "NO";

                t.insertSys(session, store, row);
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            for (int i = 0; i < specifics.length; i++) {
                routine     = specifics[i];
                columnCount = routine.getParameterCount();

                for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) {
                    ColumnSchema column = routine.getParameter(j);

                    row  = t.getEmptyRowData();
                    type = column.getDataType();

                    if (translateTTI) {
                        if (type.isIntervalType()) {
                            type = ((IntervalType) type).getCharacterType();
                        } else if (type.isDateTimeTypeWithZone()) {
                            type = ((DateTimeType) type)

                    row[specific_cat]     = database.getCatalogName().name;
                    row[specific_schem]   = routine.getSchemaName().name;
                    row[specific_name]    = routine.getSpecificName().name;
                    row[procedure_name]   = routine.getName().name;
                    row[parameter_name]   = column.getName().name;
                    row[ordinal_position] = ValuePool.getInt(j + 1);
                    row[parameter_mode] =
                    row[data_type] = type.getFullNameString();
                    row[data_type_sql_id] =
                    row[numeric_precision]      = ValuePool.INTEGER_0;
                    row[character_octet_length] = ValuePool.INTEGER_0;

                    if (type.isCharacterType()) {
                        row[numeric_precision] =

                        // this is length not octet_length, for character columns
                        row[character_octet_length] =

                    if (type.isBinaryType()) {
                        row[numeric_precision] =
                        row[character_octet_length] =

                    if (type.isNumberType()) {
                        row[numeric_precision] = ValuePool.getInt(
                            ((NumberType) type).getNumericPrecisionInRadix());
                        row[numeric_precision_radix] =

                        if (type.isExactNumberType()) {
                            row[numeric_scale] = ValuePool.getLong(type.scale);

                    if (type.isDateTimeType()) {
                        int size = (int) column.getDataType().displaySize();

                        row[numeric_precision] = ValuePool.getInt(size);

                    row[sql_data_type] =
                    row[nullable] = ValuePool.getInt(column.getNullability());
                    row[is_nullable] = column.isNullable() ? "YES"
                                                           : "NO";

                    t.insertSys(session, store, row);
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        Type   oldtype  = null;
        Type   newtype  = null;
        Object colvalue = null;

        if (adjust >= 0 && colindex != -1) {
            ColumnSchema column = ((Table) table).getColumn(colindex);

            colvalue = column.getDefaultValue(session);
            newtype  = ((Table) table).getColumnTypes()[colindex];

        if (adjust <= 0 && colindex != -1) {
            oldtype = ((Table) other.getTable()).getColumnTypes()[colindex];
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                                        (Table) ((StatementSchema) cs)

                                    for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount();
                                            i++) {
                                        ColumnSchema column =

                                        if (column.getDataType().isBitType()) {
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    protected final void addColumn(Table t, String name, Type type) {

        HsqlName     cn;
        ColumnSchema c;

        cn = database.nameManager.newInfoSchemaColumnName(name, t.getName());
        c  = new ColumnSchema(cn, type, true, false, null);

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            scope  = ti.getBRIScope();
            pseudo = ti.getBRIPseudo();

            for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
                ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(i);

                row                  = t.getEmptyRowData();
                row[iscope]          = scope;
                row[icolumn_name]    = column.getName().name;
                row[idata_type] = ValuePool.getInt(types[i].getJDBCTypeCode());
                row[itype_name]      = types[i].getNameString();
                row[icolumn_size]    = types[i].getJDBCPrecision();
                row[ibuffer_length= null;
                row[idecimal_digits] = types[i].getJDBCScale();
                row[ipseudo_column= pseudo;
                row[itable_cat]      = tableCatalog;
                row[itable_schem]    = tableSchema;
                row[itable_name]     = tableName;
                row[inullable]       = column.getNullability();
                row[iinKey]          = inKey;

                t.insertSys(store, row);
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            columnCount  = table.getColumnCount();

            Type[] types = table.getColumnTypes();

            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(i);

                row = t.getEmptyRowData();

                row[itable_cat]         = tableCatalog;
                row[itable_schem]       = tableSchema;
                row[itable_name]        = tableName;
                row[icolumn_name]       = column.getName().name;
                row[idata_type]         = types[i].getJDBCTypeCode();
                row[itype_name]         = types[i].getNameString();
                row[icolumn_size]       = types[i].getJDBCPrecision();
                row[ibuffer_length]     = null;
                row[idecimal_digits]    = types[i].getJDBCScale();
                row[inum_prec_radix]    = ti.getColPrecRadix(i);
                row[inullable]          = column.getNullability();
                row[iremark]            = ti.getColRemarks(i);
                row[icolumn_def]        = column.getDefaultSQL();
                row[isql_data_type]     = types[i].getJDBCTypeCode();
                row[isql_datetime_sub= ti.getColSqlDateTimeSub(i);
                row[ichar_octet_length] = ti.getColCharOctLen(i);
                row[iordinal_position= ValuePool.getInt(i + 1);
                row[iis_nullable]       = ti.getColIsNullable(i);
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Related Classes of org.hsqldb.ColumnSchema

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