Package org.hornetq.api.core.client.ClientSession

Examples of org.hornetq.api.core.client.ClientSession.QueueQuery

         String clientID = spec.getClientID();

         SimpleString queueName = new SimpleString(HornetQDestination.createQueueNameForDurableSubscription(true, clientID,

         QueueQuery subResponse = session.queueQuery(queueName);

         if (!subResponse.isExists())
            session.createQueue(activation.getAddress(), queueName, selectorString, true);
            // The check for already exists should be done only at the first session
            // As a deployed MDB could set up multiple instances in order to process messages in parallel.
            if (sessionNr == 0 && subResponse.getConsumerCount() > 0)
               if (!spec.isShareSubscriptions())
                  throw new javax.jms.IllegalStateException("Cannot create a subscriber on the durable subscription since it already has subscriber(s)");
               else if (HornetQRALogger.LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                  HornetQRALogger.LOGGER.debug("the mdb on destination " + queueName + " already had " +
                                                  subResponse.getConsumerCount() +
                                                  " consumers but the MDB is configured to share subscriptions, so no exceptions are thrown");

            SimpleString oldFilterString = subResponse.getFilterString();

            boolean selectorChanged = selector == null && oldFilterString != null ||
               oldFilterString == null &&
                  selector != null ||
               (oldFilterString != null && selector != null && !oldFilterString.toString()

            SimpleString oldTopicName = subResponse.getAddress();

            boolean topicChanged = !oldTopicName.equals(activation.getAddress());

            if (selectorChanged || topicChanged)
               // Delete the old durable sub

               // Create the new one
               session.createQueue(activation.getAddress(), queueName, selectorString, true);
         consumer = (ClientConsumerInternal) session.createConsumer(queueName, null, false);
         SimpleString tempQueueName;
         if (activation.isTopic())
            if (activation.getTopicTemporaryQueue() == null)
               tempQueueName = new SimpleString(UUID.randomUUID().toString());
               session.createTemporaryQueue(activation.getAddress(), tempQueueName, selectorString);
               tempQueueName = activation.getTopicTemporaryQueue();
               QueueQuery queueQuery = session.queueQuery(tempQueueName);
               if (!queueQuery.isExists())
                  // this is because we could be using remote servers (in cluster maybe)
                  // and the queue wasn't created on that node yet.
                  session.createTemporaryQueue(activation.getAddress(), tempQueueName, selectorString);
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         if (activation.getTopicTemporaryQueue() != null)
            // We need to delete temporary topics when the activation is stopped or messages will build up on the server
            SimpleString tmpQueue = activation.getTopicTemporaryQueue();
            QueueQuery subResponse = session.queueQuery(tmpQueue);
            if (subResponse.getConsumerCount() == 0)
               // This is optional really, since we now use temporaryQueues, we could simply ignore this
               // and the server temporary queue would remove this as soon as the queue was removed
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               queueName = new SimpleString(HornetQDestination.createQueueNameForDurableSubscription(connection.getClientID(),

               QueueQuery subResponse = session.queueQuery(queueName);

               if (!subResponse.isExists())
                  session.createQueue(dest.getSimpleAddress(), queueName, coreFilterString, true);
                  // Already exists
                  if (subResponse.getConsumerCount() > 0)
                     throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create a subscriber on the durable subscription since it already has subscriber(s)");

                  // From javax.jms.Session Javadoc (and also JMS 1.1 6.11.1):
                  // A client can change an existing durable subscription by
                  // creating a durable
                  // TopicSubscriber with the same name and a new topic and/or
                  // message selector.
                  // Changing a durable subscriber is equivalent to
                  // unsubscribing (deleting) the old
                  // one and creating a new one.

                  SimpleString oldFilterString = subResponse.getFilterString();

                  boolean selectorChanged = coreFilterString == null && oldFilterString != null ||
                                            oldFilterString == null &&
                                            coreFilterString != null ||
                                            oldFilterString != null &&
                                            coreFilterString != null &&

                  SimpleString oldTopicName = subResponse.getAddress();

                  boolean topicChanged = !oldTopicName.equals(dest.getSimpleAddress());

                  if (selectorChanged || topicChanged)
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      SimpleString queueName = new SimpleString(HornetQDestination.createQueueNameForDurableSubscription(connection.getClientID(),

         QueueQuery response = session.queueQuery(queueName);

         if (!response.isExists())
            throw new InvalidDestinationException("Cannot unsubscribe, subscription with name " + name +
                                                  " does not exist");

         if (response.getConsumerCount() != 0)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot unsubscribe durable subscription " + name +
                                            " since it has active subscribers");
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         throw new InvalidDestinationException("Not a temporary queue " + tempQueue);
         QueueQuery response = session.queueQuery(tempQueue.getSimpleAddress());

         if (!response.isExists())
            throw new InvalidDestinationException("Cannot delete temporary queue " + tempQueue.getName() +
                                                  " does not exist");

         if (response.getConsumerCount() > 0)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot delete temporary queue " + tempQueue.getName() +
                                            " since it has subscribers");
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         queue = HornetQDestination.createQueue(queueName);

      QueueQuery response = session.queueQuery(queue.getSimpleAddress());

      if (response.isExists())
         return queue;
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         String clientID = spec.getClientID();

         SimpleString queueName = new SimpleString(HornetQDestination.createQueueNameForDurableSubscription(true, clientID,

         QueueQuery subResponse = session.queueQuery(queueName);

         if (!subResponse.isExists())
            session.createQueue(activation.getAddress(), queueName, selectorString, true);
            // The check for already exists should be done only at the first session
            // As a deployed MDB could set up multiple instances in order to process messages in parallel.
            if (sessionNr == 0 && subResponse.getConsumerCount() > 0)
               if (!spec.isShareSubscriptions())
                  throw new javax.jms.IllegalStateException("Cannot create a subscriber on the durable subscription since it already has subscriber(s)");
               else if (HornetQRALogger.LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                  HornetQRALogger.LOGGER.debug("the mdb on destination " + queueName + " already had " +
                     subResponse.getConsumerCount() +
                     " consumers but the MDB is configured to share subscriptions, so no exceptions are thrown");

            SimpleString oldFilterString = subResponse.getFilterString();

            boolean selectorChanged = selector == null && oldFilterString != null ||
                                      oldFilterString == null &&
                                      selector != null ||
                                      (oldFilterString != null && selector != null && !oldFilterString.toString()

            SimpleString oldTopicName = subResponse.getAddress();

            boolean topicChanged = !oldTopicName.equals(activation.getAddress());

            if (selectorChanged || topicChanged)
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         if (activation.getTopicTemporaryQueue() != null)
            // We need to delete temporary topics when the activation is stopped or messages will build up on the server
            SimpleString tmpQueue = activation.getTopicTemporaryQueue();
            QueueQuery subResponse = session.queueQuery(tmpQueue);
            if (subResponse.getConsumerCount() == 0)
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         SimpleString queueName = new SimpleString(HornetQDestination.createQueueNameForDurableSubscription(clientID,

         QueueQuery subResponse = session.queueQuery(queueName);

         if (!subResponse.isExists())
            session.createQueue(activation.getAddress(), queueName, selectorString, true);
            // The check for already exists should be done only at the first session
            // As a deployed MDB could set up multiple instances in order to process messages in parallel.
            if (sessionNr == 0 && subResponse.getConsumerCount() > 0)
               throw new javax.jms.IllegalStateException("Cannot create a subscriber on the durable subscription since it already has subscriber(s)");

            SimpleString oldFilterString = subResponse.getFilterString();

            boolean selectorChanged = selector == null && oldFilterString != null ||
                                      oldFilterString == null &&
                                      selector != null ||
                                      (oldFilterString != null && selector != null && !oldFilterString.toString()

            SimpleString oldTopicName = subResponse.getAddress();

            boolean topicChanged = !oldTopicName.equals(activation.getAddress());

            if (selectorChanged || topicChanged)
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         if (activation.getTopicTemporaryQueue() != null)
            // We need to delete temporary topics when the activation is stopped or messages will build up on the server
            SimpleString tmpQueue = activation.getTopicTemporaryQueue();
            QueueQuery subResponse = session.queueQuery(tmpQueue);
            if (subResponse.getConsumerCount() == 0)
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Related Classes of org.hornetq.api.core.client.ClientSession.QueueQuery

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