// 2. add the file with an AddFileProcess (which also notifies other clients)
try {
// find the node at the user profile
UserProfileManager profileManager = networkManager.getSession().getProfileManager();
UserProfile userProfile = profileManager.getUserProfile(getID(), false);
Index selectedNode = userProfile.getFileById(metaFileSmall.getId());
if (selectedNode == null) {
throw new Hive2HiveException("File node not found");
// ask the user for the new file name
String originalFileName = context.getFile().getName();
String noSuffix = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(originalFileName);
String extension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(originalFileName);
String recoveredFileName = selector.getRecoveredFileName(originalFileName, noSuffix, extension);
if (recoveredFileName == null || originalFileName.equals(recoveredFileName)) {
// generate a new file name indicating that the file is restored
logger.warn("Replacing the given file name with a custom file name because it was invalid.");
Date versionDate = new Date(selected.getDate());
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy_MM_dd-HH_mm_ss");
recoveredFileName = noSuffix + "-" + sdf.format(versionDate) + "." + extension;
logger.debug("Starting to download the restored file under the name '{}'.", recoveredFileName);
File destination = new File(context.getFile().getParentFile(), recoveredFileName);
// add the process to download the file
ProcessComponent downloadProcess = ProcessFactory.instance().createDownloadFileProcess(
selectedNode.getFilePublicKey(), selected.getIndex(), destination, networkManager);
// add the process to upload the file
ProcessComponent addProcess = ProcessFactory.instance().createNewFileProcess(destination,