public void testSchemaToolsNonQuote() throws Exception{
// database schema have been created thanks to the setUp method
// we have 2 schemas SA et SB, SB must be set as the default schema
// used by hibernate hibernate.default_schema SB
SchemaExport se = new SchemaExport(getCfg());
// here we modify the generated table in order to test SchemaUpdate
Session session = openSession();
Connection conn = session.connection();
Statement stat = conn.createStatement();
stat.execute("ALTER TABLE \"SB\".\"TEAM\" DROP COLUMN xname ");
// update schema
SchemaUpdate su = new SchemaUpdate(getCfg());
// we can run schema validation. Note that in the setUp method a *wrong* table
// has been created with different column names
// if schema validator chooses the bad db schema, then the testcase will fail (exception)
SchemaValidator sv = new SchemaValidator(getCfg());
// it's time to clean our database
// then the schemas and false table.
stat.execute("DROP TABLE \"SA\".\"Team\" ");
stat.execute(" DROP SCHEMA sa ");