final UniqueKey uniqueKey = (UniqueKey);
// Skip if index already exists. Most of the time, this
// won't work since most Dialects use Constraints. However,
// keep it for the few that do use Indexes.
if ( tableInfo != null && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( uniqueKey.getName() ) ) {
final IndexMetadata meta = tableInfo.getIndexMetadata( uniqueKey.getName() );
if ( meta != null ) {
String constraintString = uniqueKey.sqlCreateString( dialect, mapping, tableCatalog, tableSchema );
if ( constraintString != null && !constraintString.isEmpty() )
if ( constraintMethod.equals( UniqueConstraintSchemaUpdateStrategy.DROP_RECREATE_QUIETLY ) ) {
String constraintDropString = uniqueKey.sqlDropString( dialect, tableCatalog, tableCatalog );
scripts.add( new SchemaUpdateScript( constraintDropString, true) );
scripts.add( new SchemaUpdateScript( constraintString, true) );
if ( dialect.hasAlterTable() ) {
Iterator subIter = table.getForeignKeyIterator();
while ( subIter.hasNext() ) {
ForeignKey fk = (ForeignKey);
if ( fk.isPhysicalConstraint() ) {
boolean create = tableInfo == null || ( tableInfo.getForeignKeyMetadata( fk ) == null && (
// Icky workaround for MySQL bug:
!( dialect instanceof MySQLDialect ) || tableInfo.getIndexMetadata( fk.getName() ) == null ) );
if ( create ) {
scripts.add( new SchemaUpdateScript( fk.sqlCreateString( dialect, mapping,
tableCatalog, tableSchema ), false ) );
Iterator subIter = table.getIndexIterator();
while ( subIter.hasNext() ) {
final Index index = (Index);
// Skip if index already exists
if ( tableInfo != null && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( index.getName() ) ) {
final IndexMetadata meta = tableInfo.getIndexMetadata( index.getName() );
if ( meta != null ) {
scripts.add( new SchemaUpdateScript( index.sqlCreateString( dialect, mapping, tableCatalog,