* Check if disabling 2LC works as expected
public String disabled2LCCheck() {
EntityManager em = emfNo2LC.createEntityManager();
Statistics stats = em.unwrap(Session.class).getSessionFactory().getStatistics();
try {
// check if entities are NOT cached in 2LC
String names[] = stats.getSecondLevelCacheRegionNames();
assertEquals("There aren't any 2LC regions.", 0, names.length);
createEmployee(em, "Martin", "Prague 132", 1);
assertEquals("There aren't any puts in the 2LC.", 0,stats.getSecondLevelCachePutCount());
// check if queries are NOT cached in 2LC
Employee emp = getEmployeeQuery(em, 1);
assertNotNull("Employee returned", emp);
assertEquals("There aren't any query puts in the 2LC.", 0,stats.getQueryCachePutCount());
// cleanup
}catch (AssertionError e) {