// (necessarily) the table against which we want to apply locks. Mainly,
// the exception case here is joined-subclass hierarchies where we instead
// want to apply the lock against the root table (for all other strategies,
// it just happens that driving and root are the same).
final QueryNode select = (QueryNode) queryTranslator.getSqlAST();
final Lockable drivingPersister = (Lockable) select.getFromClause()
.findFromElementByUserOrSqlAlias( userAlias, drivingSqlAlias )
final String sqlAlias = drivingPersister.getRootTableAlias( drivingSqlAlias );
final LockMode effectiveLockMode = lockOptions.getEffectiveLockMode( userAlias );
locks.setAliasSpecificLockMode( sqlAlias, effectiveLockMode );
if ( keyColumnNames != null ) {
keyColumnNames.put( sqlAlias, drivingPersister.getRootTableIdentifierColumnNames() );
// apply the collected locks and columns
return dialect.applyLocksToSql( sql, locks, keyColumnNames );