.roleOnMainSide( getUnqualifiedRole() )
.key( entityId );
// TODO what happens when a row should be *updated* ?: I suspect ADD works OK as it's a put()
if ( action == Action.ADD ) {
RowKey inverseRowKey = getInverseRowKey( associationRow );
Tuple inverseAssociationRow = new Tuple();
associationPersister.getAssociation().put( inverseRowKey, inverseAssociationRow );
for ( String columnName : associationRow.getColumnNames() ) {
inverseAssociationRow.put( columnName, associationRow.get( columnName ) );
associationPersister.getAssociation().put( inverseRowKey, inverseAssociationRow );
else if ( action == Action.REMOVE ) {
// we try and match the whole tuple as it should be on both sides of the navigation
if ( rowKey == null ) {
throw new AssertionFailure( "Deleting a collection tuple that is not present: " + "table {"
+ getTableName() + "} key column names {" + Arrays.toString( elementColumnNames )
+ "} key column values {" + Arrays.toString( elementColumnValues ) + "}" );
RowKey inverseRowKey = getInverseRowKey( associationRow );
associationPersister.getAssociation().remove( inverseRowKey );
else {
throw new AssertionFailure( "Unknown action type: " + action );