event = staxEventReader.peek();
catch ( Exception e ) {
throw new MappingException( "Error accessing stax stream", e, origin );
if ( event == null ) {
throw new MappingException( "Could not locate root element", origin );
final Schema validationSchema;
final Class jaxbTarget;
final String elementName = event.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart();
if ( "entity-mappings".equals( elementName ) ) {
final Attribute attribute = event.asStartElement().getAttributeByName( ORM_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE_QNAME );
final String explicitVersion = attribute == null ? null : attribute.getValue();
validationSchema = resolveSupportedOrmXsd( explicitVersion );
jaxbTarget = XMLEntityMappings.class;
else {
validationSchema = hbmSchema();
jaxbTarget = XMLHibernateMapping.class;
final Object target;
final ContextProvidingValidationEventHandler handler = new ContextProvidingValidationEventHandler();
try {
JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance( jaxbTarget );
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
unmarshaller.setSchema( validationSchema );
unmarshaller.setEventHandler( handler );
target = unmarshaller.unmarshal( staxEventReader );
catch ( JAXBException e ) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append( "Unable to perform unmarshalling at line number " );
builder.append( handler.getLineNumber() );
builder.append( " and column " );
builder.append( handler.getColumnNumber() );
builder.append( ". Message: " );
builder.append( handler.getMessage() );
throw new MappingException( builder.toString(), e, origin );
return new JaxbRoot( target, origin );