else if ( InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE.equals( inheritanceState.type ) ) {
persistentClass = new SingleTableSubclass( superEntity );
else if ( InheritanceType.JOINED.equals( inheritanceState.type ) ) {
persistentClass = new JoinedSubclass( superEntity );
else if ( InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS.equals( inheritanceState.type ) ) {
persistentClass = new UnionSubclass( superEntity );
else {
throw new AssertionFailure( "Unknown inheritance type: " + inheritanceState.type );
Proxy proxyAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( Proxy.class );
BatchSize sizeAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( BatchSize.class );
Where whereAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( Where.class );
Entity entityAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( Entity.class );
org.hibernate.annotations.Entity hibEntityAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation(
org.hibernate.annotations.Cache cacheAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation(
EntityBinder entityBinder = new EntityBinder(
entityAnn, hibEntityAnn, clazzToProcess, persistentClass, mappings
entityBinder.setDiscriminatorValue( discrimValue );
entityBinder.setBatchSize( sizeAnn );
entityBinder.setProxy( proxyAnn );
entityBinder.setWhere( whereAnn );
entityBinder.setCache( cacheAnn );
entityBinder.setInheritanceState( inheritanceState );
Filter filterAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( Filter.class );
if ( filterAnn != null ) {
entityBinder.addFilter( filterAnn.name(), filterAnn.condition() );
Filters filtersAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( Filters.class );
if ( filtersAnn != null ) {
for (Filter filter : filtersAnn.value()) {
entityBinder.addFilter( filter.name(), filter.condition() );
if ( inheritanceState.hasTable() ) {
Check checkAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( Check.class );
String constraints = checkAnn == null ?
null :
schema, catalog, table, uniqueConstraints,
constraints, inheritanceState.hasDenormalizedTable() ?
superEntity.getTable() :
else {
if ( annotatedClass.isAnnotationPresent( Table.class ) ) {
log.warn( "Illegal use of @Table in a subclass of a SINGLE_TABLE hierarchy: " + clazzToProcess
.getName() );
// Map<String, Column[]> columnOverride = PropertyHolderBuilder.buildHierarchyColumnOverride(
// clazzToProcess,
// persistentClass.getClassName()
// );
PropertyHolder propertyHolder = PropertyHolderBuilder.buildPropertyHolder(
entityBinder, mappings
javax.persistence.SecondaryTable secTabAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation(
javax.persistence.SecondaryTables secTabsAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation(
entityBinder.firstLevelSecondaryTablesBinding( secTabAnn, secTabsAnn );
OnDelete onDeleteAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( OnDelete.class );
boolean onDeleteAppropriate = false;
if ( InheritanceType.JOINED.equals( inheritanceState.type ) && inheritanceState.hasParents ) {
onDeleteAppropriate = true;
final JoinedSubclass jsc = (JoinedSubclass) persistentClass;
if ( persistentClass.getEntityPersisterClass() == null ) {
persistentClass.getRootClass().setEntityPersisterClass( JoinedSubclassEntityPersister.class );
SimpleValue key = new DependantValue( jsc.getTable(), jsc.getIdentifier() );
jsc.setKey( key );
ForeignKey fk = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( ForeignKey.class );
if ( fk != null && !BinderHelper.isDefault( fk.name() ) ) {
key.setForeignKeyName( fk.name() );
if ( onDeleteAnn != null ) {