iter = collection.getElement().getColumnIterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
Selectable selectable = (Selectable);
elementColumnAliases[j] = selectable.getAlias( dialect );
if ( selectable.isFormula() ) {
Formula form = (Formula) selectable;
elementFormulaTemplates[j] = form.getTemplate( dialect, factory.getSqlFunctionRegistry() );
elementFormulas[j] = form.getFormula();
else {
Column col = (Column) selectable;
elementColumnNames[j] = col.getQuotedName( dialect );
elementColumnWriters[j] = col.getWriteExpr();
elementColumnReaders[j] = col.getReadExpr( dialect );
elementColumnReaderTemplates[j] = col.getTemplate( dialect, factory.getSqlFunctionRegistry() );
elementColumnIsSettable[j] = true;
elementColumnIsInPrimaryKey[j] = !col.isNullable();
if ( !col.isNullable() ) {
hasNotNullableColumns = true;
isPureFormula = false;
elementIsPureFormula = isPureFormula;
// workaround, for backward compatibility of sets with no
// not-null columns, assume all columns are used in the
// row locator SQL
if ( !hasNotNullableColumns ) {
Arrays.fill( elementColumnIsInPrimaryKey, true );
hasIndex = collection.isIndexed();
if ( hasIndex ) {
// NativeSQL: collect index column and auto-aliases
IndexedCollection indexedCollection = (IndexedCollection) collection;
indexType = indexedCollection.getIndex().getType();
int indexSpan = indexedCollection.getIndex().getColumnSpan();
iter = indexedCollection.getIndex().getColumnIterator();
indexColumnNames = new String[indexSpan];
indexFormulaTemplates = new String[indexSpan];
indexFormulas = new String[indexSpan];
indexColumnIsSettable = new boolean[indexSpan];
indexColumnAliases = new String[indexSpan];
int i = 0;
boolean hasFormula = false;
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
Selectable s = (Selectable);
indexColumnAliases[i] = s.getAlias( dialect );
if ( s.isFormula() ) {
Formula indexForm = (Formula) s;
indexFormulaTemplates[i] = indexForm.getTemplate( dialect, factory.getSqlFunctionRegistry() );
indexFormulas[i] = indexForm.getFormula();
hasFormula = true;
else {
Column indexCol = (Column) s;
indexColumnNames[i] = indexCol.getQuotedName( dialect );