final ExpandingFetchSource popped = popFromStack();
checkPoppedEntity( popped, associationAttributeDefinition.toEntityDefinition() );
else if ( attributeType.isCollectionType() ) {
final CollectionReference currentCollection = currentCollection();
// One way to find out if the fetch was pushed is to check the fetch strategy; rather than recomputing
// the fetch strategy, simply check if current collection's fetched attribute definition matches
// associationAttributeDefinition.
if ( AttributeFetch.class.isInstance( currentCollection ) &&
associationAttributeDefinition.equals( AttributeFetch.class.cast( currentCollection ).getFetchedAttributeDefinition() ) ) {
final CollectionReference popped = popFromCollectionStack();
checkedPoppedCollection( popped, associationAttributeDefinition.toCollectionDefinition() );
else if ( attributeType.isComponentType() ) {