Package org.hibernate.loader.custom.sql

Examples of org.hibernate.loader.custom.sql.SQLCustomQuery$ParserContext

    public void lispFormHandler(LispForm lispForm) {
        StringBuilderAppendable appendable = new StringBuilderAppendable();
        FunctionHandlers.dump( lispForm,
                               appendable );

        ParserContext context = new ParserContext();

        String namespace = this.session.getAgenda().getFocusName();

        Package pkg = this.ruleBase.getPackage( namespace );
        if ( pkg == null ) {
            this.packageBuilder.addPackage( createPackageDescr( namespace ) );
            pkg = this.ruleBase.getPackage( namespace );

        if ( pkg != null ) {
            // only time this will be null is if we have yet to do any packagedescr work

            try {
                for ( Iterator it = pkg.getImports().entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                    Entry entry = (Entry);
                    String importName = ((ImportDeclaration) entry.getValue()).getTarget();
                    if ( importName.endsWith( "*" )) {
                        context.addPackageImport( importName.substring( 0,
                                                                        importName.length() - 2 ) );
                    } else {
                        Class cls = ((InternalRuleBase)ruleBase).getRootClassLoader().loadClass( importName );
                        context.addImport( cls.getSimpleName(),
                                           (Class) cls );

            } catch ( Exception e ) {
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        String name = context.getRuleName();
        RuleInfo currentRule = getCurrentRule( drlInfo,
                                               name );
        String qName = drlInfo.getPackageName() + "." + name;
        MVELDialect dialect = (MVELDialect) drlInfo.getDialectRegistry().getDialect("mvel");
        ParserContext initialContext = createInitialContext( params,
                                                             dialect );
        MvelContext mCon = new MvelContext();
        mCon.setContext( initialContext );
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        //Lookup ParserConfiguration to retrieve imports and package imports
        PackageRegistry packageRegistry = dialect.getPackageRegistry();
        MVELDialectRuntimeData data = (MVELDialectRuntimeData) packageRegistry.getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getDialectData( dialect.getId() );
        ParserConfiguration pconf = data.getParserConfiguration();

        final ParserContext context = new ParserContext( pconf.getImports(),
                                                         qualifiedName );

        if ( pconf.getPackageImports() != null ) {
            for (String packageImport : pconf.getPackageImports()) {
                context.addPackageImport( packageImport );
        context.setStrictTypeEnforcement( false );

        context.setInterceptors( dialect.getInterceptors() );
        context.setInputs( params );
        context.addInput("drools", KnowledgeHelper.class);
        context.addInput("kcontext", RuleContext.class);
        context.setCompiled( true );
        return context;
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            vars.putAll( this.context );
            vars.put( "tuple",
                      ((LeftTuple)tuple).toFactHandles() );

            // compile MVEL expression
            ParserContext mvelctx = new ParserContext();
            Serializable compiled = MVEL.compileExpression( this.expr,
                                                            mvelctx );
            // execute the expression
            Boolean result = (Boolean) MVEL.executeExpression( compiled,
                                                               vars );
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                Class<?> variableType = getVariableType(variableName);
                if (variableType != null) {
                    return new VariableExpression(variableName, analyzeExpressionNode(accessorNode, node, variableType), variableType);
                } else {
                    if (node.getLiteralValue() instanceof ParserContext) {
                        ParserContext pCtx = (ParserContext)node.getLiteralValue();
                        // it's not a variable but a method invocation on this
                        Class<?> thisClass = pCtx.getInputs().get("this");
                        try {
                            return new EvaluatedExpression(new MethodInvocation(thisClass.getMethod(variableName)));
                        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                            if (node.getEgressType() == Class.class) {
                                // there's no method on this with the given name, check if it is a class literal
                                Class<?> classLiteral = pCtx.getParserConfiguration().getImport(variableName);
                                if (classLiteral != null) {
                                    return new FixedExpression(Class.class, classLiteral);
                            throw new RuntimeException(e);
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        MVELDialectRuntimeData data = (MVELDialectRuntimeData) context.getPkg().getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getDialectData( "mvel" );
        ParserConfiguration conf = data.getParserConfiguration();

        conf.setClassLoader( context.getPackageBuilder().getRootClassLoader() );

        final ParserContext pctx = new ParserContext( conf );
        pctx.setStrictTypeEnforcement( false );
        pctx.setStrongTyping( false );
        pctx.addInput( "this",
                       thisClass );
        pctx.addInput( "empty",
                       boolean.class ); // overrides the mvel empty label
        MVEL.analysisCompile( expr,
                              pctx );

        if ( !pctx.getInputs().isEmpty() ) {
            for ( String v : pctx.getInputs().keySet() ) {
                // in the following if, we need to check that the expr actually contains a reference
                // to an "empty" property, or the if will evaluate to true even if it doesn't
                if ( "this".equals( v ) || (PropertyTools.getFieldOrAccessor( thisClass,
                                                                               v ) != null && expr.matches( "(^|.*\\W)empty($|\\W.*)" )) ) {
                    descrBranch.getFieldAccessors().add( v );
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            MVELDialectRuntimeData data = (MVELDialectRuntimeData) context.getPkg().getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getDialectData( "mvel" );
            ParserConfiguration pconf = data.getParserConfiguration();
            ParserContext pctx = new ParserContext( pconf );

            Object o = MVEL.executeExpression( MVEL.compileExpression( value,
                                                                       pctx ) );
            if ( o != null && vtype == null ) {
                // was a compilation problem else where, so guess valuetype so we can continue
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        MVELDialectRuntimeData data = (MVELDialectRuntimeData) context.getPkg().getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getDialectData( "mvel" );
        ParserConfiguration conf = data.getParserConfiguration();

        conf.setClassLoader( context.getKnowledgeBuilder().getRootClassLoader() );

        final ParserContext pctx = new ParserContext( conf );
        pctx.setStrongTyping( false );
        pctx.addInput( "this",
                       thisClass );
        pctx.addInput( "empty",
                       boolean.class ); // overrides the mvel empty label

        try {
            MVEL.analysisCompile( expr, pctx );
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // There is a problem in setting the inputs for this expression, but it will be
            // reported during expression analysis, so swallow it at the moment

        if ( !pctx.getInputs().isEmpty() ) {
            for ( String v : pctx.getInputs().keySet() ) {
                // in the following if, we need to check that the expr actually contains a reference
                // to an "empty" property, or the if will evaluate to true even if it doesn't
                if ( "this".equals( v ) || (PropertyTools.getFieldOrAccessor( thisClass,
                                                                               v ) != null && expr.matches( "(^|.*\\W)empty($|\\W.*)" )) ) {
                    descrBranch.getFieldAccessors().add( v );
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            MVELDialectRuntimeData data = (MVELDialectRuntimeData) context.getPkg().getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getDialectData( "mvel" );
            ParserConfiguration pconf = data.getParserConfiguration();
            ParserContext pctx = new ParserContext( pconf );

            Object o = MVELSafeHelper.getEvaluator().executeExpression( MVEL.compileExpression( value,
                    pctx ) );
            if ( o != null && vtype == null ) {
                // was a compilation problem else where, so guess valuetype so we can continue
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                Class<?> variableType = getVariableType(variableName);
                if (variableType != null) {
                    return new VariableExpression(variableName, analyzeExpressionNode(accessorNode, node, variableType), variableType);
                } else {
                    if (node.getLiteralValue() instanceof ParserContext) {
                        ParserContext pCtx = (ParserContext)node.getLiteralValue();
                        // it's not a variable but a method invocation on this
                        Class<?> thisClass = pCtx.getInputs().get("this");
                        try {
                            return new EvaluatedExpression(new MethodInvocation(thisClass.getMethod(variableName)));
                        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                            if (node.getEgressType() == Class.class) {
                                // there's no method on this with the given name, check if it is a class literal
                                Class<?> classLiteral = pCtx.getParserConfiguration().getImport(variableName);
                                if (classLiteral != null) {
                                    return new FixedExpression(Class.class, classLiteral);
                            throw new RuntimeException(e);
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Related Classes of org.hibernate.loader.custom.sql.SQLCustomQuery$ParserContext

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