* Create query restrictions used to retrieve actual data and deletions that took place at exactly given revision.
private void createValidAndRemovedDataRestrictions(GlobalConfiguration globalCfg, AuditStrategy auditStrategy,
MiddleIdData referencedIdData, String versionsMiddleEntityName,
QueryBuilder remQb, MiddleComponentData... componentData) {
final Parameters disjoint = remQb.getRootParameters().addSubParameters( "or" );
final Parameters valid = disjoint.addSubParameters( "and" ); // Restrictions to match all valid rows.
final Parameters removed = disjoint.addSubParameters( "and" ); // Restrictions to match all rows deleted at exactly given revision.
final String revisionPropertyPath = verEntCfg.getRevisionNumberPath();
final String revisionTypePropName = getRevisionTypePath();
// Excluding current revision, because we need to match data valid at the previous one.
globalCfg, auditStrategy, referencedIdData, versionsMiddleEntityName, remQb, valid, false, componentData
// ee.revision = :revision
removed.addWhereWithNamedParam( revisionPropertyPath, "=", REVISION_PARAMETER );
// e.revision = :revision
removed.addWhereWithNamedParam( REFERENCED_ENTITY_ALIAS + "." + revisionPropertyPath, false, "=", REVISION_PARAMETER );
// f.revision = :revision
removed.addWhereWithNamedParam( INDEX_ENTITY_ALIAS + "." + revisionPropertyPath, false, "=", REVISION_PARAMETER );
// ee.revision_type = DEL
removed.addWhereWithNamedParam( revisionTypePropName, "=", DEL_REVISION_TYPE_PARAMETER );
// e.revision_type = DEL
removed.addWhereWithNamedParam( REFERENCED_ENTITY_ALIAS + "." + revisionTypePropName, false, "=", DEL_REVISION_TYPE_PARAMETER );
// f.revision_type = DEL
removed.addWhereWithNamedParam( INDEX_ENTITY_ALIAS + "." + revisionTypePropName, false, "=", DEL_REVISION_TYPE_PARAMETER );