.mapCollectionChanges( referencingPropertyName, newColl, oldColl, event.getAffectedOwnerIdOrNull() );
// Getting the id mapper for the related entity, as the work units generated will corrspond to the related
// entities.
String relatedEntityName = rd.getToEntityName();
IdMapper relatedIdMapper = getAuditConfiguration().getEntCfg().get(relatedEntityName).getIdMapper();
// For each collection change, generating the bidirectional work unit.
for ( PersistentCollectionChangeData changeData : collectionChanges ) {
Object relatedObj = changeData.getChangedElement();
Serializable relatedId = (Serializable) relatedIdMapper.mapToIdFromEntity(relatedObj);
RevisionType revType = (RevisionType) changeData.getData().get(
// This can be different from relatedEntityName, in case of inheritance (the real entity may be a subclass