Object data,
final Object revision) {
final AuditEntitiesConfiguration audEntitiesCfg = auditCfg.getAuditEntCfg();
final String auditedEntityName = audEntitiesCfg.getAuditEntityName( entityName );
final String revisionInfoEntityName = auditCfg.getAuditEntCfg().getRevisionInfoEntityName();
final SessionImplementor sessionImplementor = (SessionImplementor) session;
final Dialect dialect = sessionImplementor.getFactory().getDialect();
// Save the audit data
session.save(auditedEntityName, data);
sessionCacheCleaner.scheduleAuditDataRemoval(session, data);
// Update the end date of the previous row if this operation is expected to have a previous row
if (getRevisionType(auditCfg, data) != RevisionType.ADD) {
final Queryable productionEntityQueryable = getQueryable( entityName, sessionImplementor );
final Queryable rootProductionEntityQueryable = getQueryable( productionEntityQueryable.getRootEntityName(), sessionImplementor );
final Queryable auditedEntityQueryable = getQueryable( auditedEntityName, sessionImplementor );
final Queryable rootAuditedEntityQueryable = getQueryable( auditedEntityQueryable.getRootEntityName(), sessionImplementor );
final Queryable revisionInfoEntityQueryable = getQueryable( revisionInfoEntityName, sessionImplementor );
final String updateTableName;
if ( UnionSubclassEntityPersister.class.isInstance( rootProductionEntityQueryable ) ) {
// this is the condition causing all the problems in terms of the generated SQL UPDATE
// the problem being that we currently try to update the in-line view made up of the union query
// this is extremely hacky means to get the root table name for the union subclass style entities.
// hacky because it relies on internal behavior of UnionSubclassEntityPersister
// !!!!!! NOTICE - using subclass persister, not root !!!!!!
updateTableName = auditedEntityQueryable.getSubclassTableName( 0 );
else {
updateTableName = rootAuditedEntityQueryable.getTableName();
// first we need to flush the session in order to have the new audit data inserted
// todo: expose org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.autoFlushIfRequired via SessionImplementor
// for now, we duplicate some of that logic here
autoFlushIfRequired( sessionImplementor, rootAuditedEntityQueryable, revisionInfoEntityQueryable );
final Type revisionInfoIdType = sessionImplementor.getFactory()
.getEntityPersister( revisionInfoEntityName )
final String revEndColumnName = rootAuditedEntityQueryable.toColumns( auditCfg.getAuditEntCfg().getRevisionEndFieldName() )[0];
final boolean isRevisionEndTimestampEnabled = auditCfg.getAuditEntCfg().isRevisionEndTimestampEnabled();
// update audit_ent set REVEND = ? [, REVEND_TSTMP = ?] where (prod_ent_id) = ? and REV <> ? and REVEND is null
final Update update = new Update( dialect ).setTableName( updateTableName );
// set REVEND = ?
update.addColumn( revEndColumnName );
// set [, REVEND_TSTMP = ?]
if ( isRevisionEndTimestampEnabled ) {
// where (prod_ent_id) = ?
update.addPrimaryKeyColumns( rootProductionEntityQueryable.getIdentifierColumnNames() );
// where REV <> ?
"<> ?"
// where REVEND is null
update.addWhereColumn( revEndColumnName, " is null" );
// Now lets execute the sql...
final String updateSql = update.toStatementString();
int rowCount = session.doReturningWork(
new ReturningWork<Integer>() {
public Integer execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = sessionImplementor.getTransactionCoordinator().getJdbcCoordinator().getStatementPreparer().prepareStatement( updateSql );
try {
int index = 1;
// set REVEND = ?
final Number revisionNumber = auditCfg.getRevisionInfoNumberReader().getRevisionNumber( revision );
revisionInfoIdType.nullSafeSet( preparedStatement, revisionNumber, index, sessionImplementor );
index += revisionInfoIdType.getColumnSpan( sessionImplementor.getFactory() );
// set [, REVEND_TSTMP = ?]
if ( isRevisionEndTimestampEnabled ) {
final Object revEndTimestampObj = revisionTimestampGetter.get( revision );
final Date revisionEndTimestamp = convertRevEndTimestampToDate( revEndTimestampObj );
final Type revEndTsType = rootAuditedEntityQueryable.getPropertyType(
revEndTsType.nullSafeSet( preparedStatement, revisionEndTimestamp, index, sessionImplementor );
index += revEndTsType.getColumnSpan( sessionImplementor.getFactory() );
// where (prod_ent_id) = ?
final Type idType = rootProductionEntityQueryable.getIdentifierType();
idType.nullSafeSet( preparedStatement, id, index, sessionImplementor );
index += idType.getColumnSpan( sessionImplementor.getFactory() );
// where REV <> ?
final Type revType = rootAuditedEntityQueryable.getPropertyType(
revType.nullSafeSet( preparedStatement, revisionNumber, index, sessionImplementor );
// where REVEND is null
// nothing to bind....
return sessionImplementor.getTransactionCoordinator().getJdbcCoordinator().getResultSetReturn().executeUpdate( preparedStatement );
finally {
sessionImplementor.getTransactionCoordinator().getJdbcCoordinator().release( preparedStatement );