* @param session The session from which the request is originating.
* @return The collection owner's key
public Serializable getKeyOfOwner(Object owner, SessionImplementor session) {
EntityEntry entityEntry = session.getPersistenceContext().getEntry( owner );
if ( entityEntry == null ) return null; // This just handles a particular case of component
// projection, perhaps get rid of it and throw an exception
if ( foreignKeyPropertyName == null ) {
return entityEntry.getId();
else {
// TODO: at the point where we are resolving collection references, we don't
// know if the uk value has been resolved (depends if it was earlier or
// later in the mapping document) - now, we could try and use e.getStatus()
// to decide to semiResolve(), trouble is that initializeEntity() reuses
// the same array for resolved and hydrated values
Object id;
if ( entityEntry.getLoadedState() != null ) {
id = entityEntry.getLoadedValue( foreignKeyPropertyName );
else {
id = entityEntry.getPersister().getPropertyValue( owner, foreignKeyPropertyName, session.getEntityMode() );
// TODO: Fix this so it will work for non-POJO entity mode
Type keyType = getPersister( session ).getKeyType();
if ( !keyType.getReturnedClass().isInstance( id ) ) {
id = (Serializable) keyType.semiResolve(
entityEntry.getLoadedValue( foreignKeyPropertyName ),