public void configure(Map configValues) {
final JdbcConnectionAccess jdbcConnectionAccess = buildJdbcConnectionAccess( configValues );
final DialectFactory dialectFactory = serviceRegistry.getService( DialectFactory.class );
Dialect dialect = null;
LobCreatorBuilder lobCreatorBuilder = null;
boolean metaSupportsScrollable = false;
boolean metaSupportsGetGeneratedKeys = false;
boolean metaSupportsBatchUpdates = false;
boolean metaReportsDDLCausesTxnCommit = false;
boolean metaReportsDDLInTxnSupported = true;
String extraKeywordsString = "";
int sqlStateType = -1;
boolean lobLocatorUpdateCopy = false;
String catalogName = null;
String schemaName = null;
LinkedHashSet<TypeInfo> typeInfoSet = new LinkedHashSet<TypeInfo>();
// 'hibernate.temp.use_jdbc_metadata_defaults' is a temporary magic value.
// The need for it is intended to be alleviated with future development, thus it is
// not defined as an Environment constant...
// it is used to control whether we should consult the JDBC metadata to determine
// certain Settings default values; it is useful to *not* do this when the database
// may not be available (mainly in tools usage).
boolean useJdbcMetadata = ConfigurationHelper.getBoolean( "hibernate.temp.use_jdbc_metadata_defaults", configValues, true );
if ( useJdbcMetadata ) {
try {
Connection connection = jdbcConnectionAccess.obtainConnection();
try {
DatabaseMetaData meta = connection.getMetaData();
if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debugf( "Database ->\n" + " name : %s\n" + " version : %s\n" + " major : %s\n" + " minor : %s",
LOG.debugf( "Driver ->\n" + " name : %s\n" + " version : %s\n" + " major : %s\n" + " minor : %s",
LOG.debugf( "JDBC version : %s.%s", meta.getJDBCMajorVersion(), meta.getJDBCMinorVersion() );
metaSupportsScrollable = meta.supportsResultSetType( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE );
metaSupportsBatchUpdates = meta.supportsBatchUpdates();
metaReportsDDLCausesTxnCommit = meta.dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit();
metaReportsDDLInTxnSupported = !meta.dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions();
metaSupportsGetGeneratedKeys = meta.supportsGetGeneratedKeys();
extraKeywordsString = meta.getSQLKeywords();
sqlStateType = meta.getSQLStateType();
lobLocatorUpdateCopy = meta.locatorsUpdateCopy();
typeInfoSet.addAll( TypeInfoExtracter.extractTypeInfo( meta ) );
dialect = dialectFactory.buildDialect( configValues, connection );
catalogName = connection.getCatalog();
SchemaNameResolver schemaNameResolver = determineExplicitSchemaNameResolver( configValues );
if ( schemaNameResolver == null ) {
// todo : add dialect method
// schemaNameResolver = dialect.getSchemaNameResolver();
if ( schemaNameResolver != null ) {
schemaName = schemaNameResolver.resolveSchemaName( connection );
lobCreatorBuilder = new LobCreatorBuilder( configValues, connection );
catch ( SQLException sqle ) {
LOG.unableToObtainConnectionMetadata( sqle.getMessage() );
finally {
if ( connection != null ) {
jdbcConnectionAccess.releaseConnection( connection );
catch ( SQLException sqle ) {
LOG.unableToObtainConnectionToQueryMetadata( sqle.getMessage() );
dialect = dialectFactory.buildDialect( configValues, null );
catch ( UnsupportedOperationException uoe ) {
// user supplied JDBC connections
dialect = dialectFactory.buildDialect( configValues, null );
else {
dialect = dialectFactory.buildDialect( configValues, null );
final boolean showSQL = ConfigurationHelper.getBoolean( Environment.SHOW_SQL, configValues, false );
final boolean formatSQL = ConfigurationHelper.getBoolean( Environment.FORMAT_SQL, configValues, false );
this.dialect = dialect;
this.lobCreatorBuilder = (
lobCreatorBuilder == null ?
new LobCreatorBuilder( configValues, null ) :
this.sqlStatementLogger = new SqlStatementLogger( showSQL, formatSQL );
this.sqlExceptionHelper = new SqlExceptionHelper( dialect.buildSQLExceptionConverter() );
this.extractedMetaDataSupport = new ExtractedDatabaseMetaDataImpl(