else if ( CompositeIndexGraph.class.isInstance( currentFetch.getOwner() ) ) {
CompositeIndexGraph compositeIndexGraph = (CompositeIndexGraph) currentFetch.getOwner();
lhsAlias = resolveAliases( compositeIndexGraph.getCollectionReference() ).getElementTableAlias();
else {
throw new NotYetImplementedException( "Cannot determine LHS alias for FetchOwner." );
final String[] aliasedLhsColumnNames = currentFetch.toSqlSelectFragments( lhsAlias );
final String rhsAlias;
if ( EntityReference.class.isInstance( currentFetch ) ) {
rhsAlias = resolveAliases( (EntityReference) currentFetch ).getTableAlias();
else if ( CollectionReference.class.isInstance( joinableAssociation.getCurrentFetch() ) ) {
rhsAlias = resolveAliases( (CollectionReference) currentFetch ).getCollectionTableAlias();
else {
throw new NotYetImplementedException( "Cannot determine RHS alis for a fetch that is not an EntityReference or CollectionReference." );
// TODO: can't this be found in CollectionAliases or EntityAliases? should be moved to AliasResolutionContextImpl
aliases = new JoinableAssociationAliasesImpl( lhsAlias, aliasedLhsColumnNames, rhsAlias );