// this is already handled for collections in CollectionBinder...
if ( Collection.class.isInstance( value ) ) {
prop.setOptimisticLocked( ( (Collection) value ).isOptimisticLocked() );
else {
final OptimisticLock lockAnn = property != null
? property.getAnnotation( OptimisticLock.class )
: null;
if ( lockAnn != null ) {
//TODO this should go to the core as a mapping validation checking
if ( lockAnn.excluded() && (
property.isAnnotationPresent( javax.persistence.Version.class )
|| property.isAnnotationPresent( Id.class )
|| property.isAnnotationPresent( EmbeddedId.class ) ) ) {
throw new AnnotationException(
"@OptimisticLock.exclude=true incompatible with @Id, @EmbeddedId and @Version: "
+ StringHelper.qualify( holder.getPath(), name )
final boolean isOwnedValue = !isToOneValue( value ) || insertable; // && updatable as well???
final boolean includeInOptimisticLockChecks = ( lockAnn != null )
? ! lockAnn.excluded()
: isOwnedValue;
prop.setOptimisticLocked( includeInOptimisticLockChecks );
LOG.tracev( "Cascading {0} with {1}", name, cascade );